The Official Wofford @ Tennessee Tuesday Game Thread 4/2/23 (6:30PM EST SEC NETWORK +)

Bet even their double-helix is plaid.

Not far from it. During covid my dad ended up teaching a lot of kids on my street and in our neighborhood. He LOVED it: Big white boards, showing kids how to actually use their graphing calculators and most kids ended up liking math more. Mom? Finance major in college so she helped kids with accounting, business kinds of things.

There's actually quite a few good things that resulted from the covid lockdown. (plus we have a pool and hot tub and other kid related things most kids wouldn't otherwise be exposed to. To a degree, just a place for kids to go where they knew other kids would be kind of thing.
Christmas family photo


Bunch of eggheads
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I want us to win this game obviously, but I'd prefer a close game instead of a blowout. I like the tension of a close game, but we'll get those on the road probably.

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