The other '24 candidates collection thread



Senior Member
Aug 8, 2005
Heard this morning that in principle DeSantis and Newsom have agreed to a debate on Sean Hannity's show. Intriguing. Mike Smerconish was speculating that what both are trying to do is set themselves up as appearing the be the #2 choices behind Trump and Biden, respectively, on the expectation that either or both will not be able to see this through. They both benefit by debating one another because it reinforces that impression of national standing.

Discussion was also had about the other GOP candidates. The general sense was:

1) Christie is solidifying his hold on the anti-Trump wing of the GOP. He has been most consistent and most vocal.

2) Nikki Haley is floundering because she has not picked a lane on pretty much anything.

3) Tim Scott is # 3 in some of the polling on early primaries, but the thinking is that is where he caps out.

4) Trump's support is a "mile wide, but an inch thick." While he claims the indictments are helping him, the polls suggest he has peaked and is at best holding steady, but possibly now beginning to trend downward.

I find more than a grain of truth to all of that.
Heard this morning that in principle DeSantis and Newsom have agreed to a debate on Sean Hannity's show. Intriguing. Mike Smerconish was speculating that what both are trying to do is set themselves up as appearing the be the #2 choices behind Trump and Biden, respectively, on the expectation that either or both will not be able to see this through. They both benefit by debating one another because it reinforces that impression of national standing.

Discussion was also had about the other GOP candidates. The general sense was:

1) Christie is solidifying his hold on the anti-Trump wing of the GOP. He has been most consistent and most vocal.

2) Nikki Haley is floundering because she has not picked a lane on pretty much anything.

3) Tim Scott is # 3 in some of the polling on early primaries, but the thinking is that is where he caps out.

4) Trump's support is a "mile wide, but an inch thick." While he claims the indictments are helping him, the polls suggest he has peaked and is at best holding steady, but possibly now beginning to trend downward.

I find more than a grain of truth to all of that.

There are no democrat candidates for President in 24. The DNC and the MSM are doing everything they can to ensure senile Joe stays in office so that Obummer can continue to call all the shots.

I do agree the GOP is still relatively wide open once you get passed Trump. No one has separated themselves as a clear #2, though it’s still so early.
Vivek Ramaswamy. He’ll be POTUS one day if he wants to. He’s a bit young right now (he’d be 39 if he won in 2024).

I like the idea of people that can run a business running the country. That’s much better than electing people whose job is to get elected.
Vivek Ramaswamy. He’ll be POTUS one day if he wants to. He’s a bit young right now (he’d be 39 if he won in 2024).

I like the idea of people that can run a business running the country. That’s much better than electing people whose job is to get elected.

He's in the lead for my vote right now.
Vivek Ramaswamy. He’ll be POTUS one day if he wants to. He’s a bit young right now (he’d be 39 if he won in 2024).

I like the idea of people that can run a business running the country. That’s much better than electing people whose job is to get elected.

He is way too extreme for the general. Plus he's Hindu. Hard to see the evangelicals being a fan of that. He's at 6.7 percent of the GOP now but it feels like he has capped out, or close to it, once his extremes are better known.
I'd guess that those people are 100 times more likely to tolerate other religions than you are to tolerate any.

I'm Presbyterian. Christ is my Savior.

But institutions of men, such as government, are better run by men and women motivated by Him than men and women who think they are being instructed by Him.
I'm Presbyterian. Christ is my Savior.

But institutions of men, such as government, are better run by men and women motivated by Him than men and women who think they are being instructed by Him.

So no Hindu for you, got it.
I'm Presbyterian. Christ is my Savior.

But institutions of men, such as government, are better run by men and women motivated by Him than men and women who think they are being instructed by Him.

It sounds as though you're saying that you prefer politicians who are vaguely influenced by biblical principles rather than having those principles as foundational beliefs.

The problem with the former is that tbey are prone to vacillating or even completely reversing the platforms they tout as candidates. Tennesseans went through that with Al Gore when he became a national figure. Biden has had his own coincidental epiphanies.

I prefer the Davy Crockett motto: "Be sure you're right, then go ahead."

Do I ascertain correctly that you are not an adherent of Reformed Presbterian doctrine?
It sounds as though you're saying that you prefer politicians who are vaguely influenced by biblical principles rather than having those principles as foundational beliefs.

The problem with the former is that tbey are prone to vacillating or even completely reversing the platforms they tout as candidates. Tennesseans went through that with Al Gore when he became a national figure. Biden has had his own coincidental epiphanies.

I prefer the Davy Crockett motto: "Be sure you're right, then go ahead."

Do I ascertain correctly that you are not an adherent of Reformed Presbterian doctrine?

Presbyterian USA. My pastors are husband and wife.
Heard this morning that in principle DeSantis and Newsom have agreed to a debate on Sean Hannity's show. Intriguing. Mike Smerconish was speculating that what both are trying to do is set themselves up as appearing the be the #2 choices behind Trump and Biden, respectively, on the expectation that either or both will not be able to see this through. They both benefit by debating one another because it reinforces that impression of national standing.

Discussion was also had about the other GOP candidates. The general sense was:

1) Christie is solidifying his hold on the anti-Trump wing of the GOP. He has been most consistent and most vocal.

2) Nikki Haley is floundering because she has not picked a lane on pretty much anything.

3) Tim Scott is # 3 in some of the polling on early primaries, but the thinking is that is where he caps out.

4) Trump's support is a "mile wide, but an inch thick." While he claims the indictments are helping him, the polls suggest he has peaked and is at best holding steady, but possibly now beginning to trend downward.

I find more than a grain of truth to all of that.
I think the DNC and GOP conventions will be very interesting if Trump and RFK are not the nominees due to lawfare (Trump) or the Bernie Sanders fix (RFK).
Ramaswamy is by far the best candidate in the race right now and it's not even close. He's articulate, sharp as a tack, young, and I agree with pretty much all of his policy positions.

He's bright, articulate, good-looking, and clean. Biden approves (and adds that Rami is the first of his kind to display those attributes).

I'm sure there is a good campaign slogan that rhymes "Ramaswamy" with "mommy," but it eludes me for now.
So, the conservative Pete.
Speaking of Pete where is @zeppelin128

I think he did himself a disservice this last election. He bowed down to the establishment and took a job that he was clearly unqualified for as the diversity hire. The initial supply line disruptions with the ports, the train derailment in Ohio, when he's been in the news it hasn't been positive.
Ah, that explains a lot. ;)

Full disclosure: Same home church for life (69 years). PCUSA to PCA to Vanguard to (current) Christ Reformed. Always Presbyterian.
If you haven’t already, check out the works of Geerhardus Vos. Or at minimum a biography detailing his career. Fascinating figure for sure.
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If you're going to make a video like this, is it too much to ask to ACTUALLY be pumping gas? He never even selects the damn grade to make it stop beeping. Just looks completely disingenuous and out of touch.


Reminds me of Paul Ryan washing clean dishes leading up to the 2012 election. This is the crap all people, regardless of affiliation, are getting sick of.
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If you're going to make a video like this, is it too much to ask to ACTUALLY be pumping gas? He never even selects the damn grade to make it stop beeping. Just looks completely disingenuous and out of touch.

Oh my gosh, too funny !!

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