The other '24 candidates collection thread

To me the idea of getting the federal .gov involved in what is a parenting issue is antithetical to his stated goal of eliminating federal agencies.
I agree, it's a thin line to walk... But without a moral compass which it society has lost there has to be an answer somewhere
Speaking of Pete where is @zeppelin128

I think he did himself a disservice this last election. He bowed down to the establishment and took a job that he was clearly unqualified for as the diversity hire. The initial supply line disruptions with the ports, the train derailment in Ohio, when he's been in the news it hasn't been positive.
After thinking about the bullets from Vivek's site, I have a conclusion. The bullets don't seem to articulate much which is not how he comes across in interviews. He seems to be able to communicate clearly when the opportunity presents. So maybe, either bullet point formats are too restrictive to fully round out the idea, or consultants and experts are adding to it with pandering.

I hope this candidate is more than just some superficial fluff.
After thinking about the bullets from Vivek's site, I have a conclusion. The bullets don't seem to articulate much which is not how he comes across in interviews. He seems to be able to communicate clearly when the opportunity presents. So maybe, either bullet point formats are too restrictive to fully round out the idea, or consultants and experts are adding to it with pandering.

I hope this candidate is more than just some superficial fluff.

Agreed. He really needs to expand on all of those points.
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I am messing around, but he still hasn't gotten use to natural human movement yet.

I know that gif has some weird timing going on, but the other guys movements aren't nearly as jerky as his.

I have never felt he was genuine. not in the typical politician slime ball way, but something always seems off about him. Similar feelings about Zuckerburg.
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I am messing around, but he still hasn't gotten use to natural human movement yet.

I know that gif has some weird timing going on, but the other guys movements aren't nearly as jerky as his.

I have never felt he was genuine. not in the typical politician slime ball way, but something always seems off about him. Similar feelings about Zuckerburg.
His eyes have a complete lack of focus on anything in that gif.
It is disconcerting.
Vivek Ramaswamy. He’ll be POTUS one day if he wants to. He’s a bit young right now (he’d be 39 if he won in 2024).

I like the idea of people that can run a business running the country. That’s much better than electing people whose job is to get elected.

Every time he opens his mouth I find myself nodding. If the Trump-sters would take their meds and a deep breath, they would realize this dudes a serious person. Also at this point I’m ready for too young instead of the other.
I'm tardy to the party. I just learned a bit ago Vivek is a candidate. I agree with some others. He is really intriguing.
I looked at his website and resonate with most of what is displayed. Checked his wiki page and even though there's some action not matching the rhetoric, I don't think it is too concerning.

To LG's notion about evangelicals not voting because he is Hindu, I think that it would happen but not to any discernible degree. Keep in mind evangelicals voted in droves for a bloated, bloviating pitch-man who personal life was contradictory to evangelical's ideals.

I like Vivek.

I don’t understand why evangelicals seem to get off on being played and lied to. It doesn’t matter what the POTUS believes. I would be tempted to vote for the first candidate who HONESTLY stated….I’m an atheist and wouldn’t get caught dead in a church, but I’ll fight tooth and nail to make sure that you’re allowed to worship as YOU choose. That’s the person I would trust.
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I am messing around, but he still hasn't gotten use to natural human movement yet.

I know that gif has some weird timing going on, but the other guys movements aren't nearly as jerky as his.

I have never felt he was genuine. not in the typical politician slime ball way, but something always seems off about him. Similar feelings about Zuckerburg.
You've discovered our secret that Pete is actually an EBE flying UAP around during his spare time.

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