The Paris Agreement

I actually would like to know the constitutionality of a president making a foreign agreement that affects the daily life and livelihood of US citizens and commits US funds without the authorization of Congress. I’m actually not against the Agreement in general, but I’ve always questioned if it’s the place of a President to do it unilaterally.
I actually would like to know the constitutionality of a president making a foreign agreement that affects the daily life and livelihood of US citizens and commits US funds without the authorization of Congress. I’m actually not against the Agreement in general, but I’ve always questioned if it’s the place of a President to do it unilaterally.

Dude, it's for your own good - EA's done for your own good by the right leaders are not to be questioned. Worry about an Imperial Presidency only matters if its the wrong leader. Get with the program
If the Dems would represent the US citizens interests instead of the interests of the globalists that would be great. It’s quite a concept to consider it’s supposed to be a government by the people and for the people. That lesser body is the House of REPRESENTATIVES after all.

I guess I’m just being silly. The Elites know what’s best for the rest of us.
Hey, even when Trump was president, he said at a rally that he didn’t even know where the billions were going to. He had no clue. That is why he got us out of it in the first place. He also said, that there could’ve been a better way to do this with the Paris agreement with all of the other countries. We just sacrificed our countries money again to someone. I hope all dems including libs are happy that we don’t even know where our money is going to. Even Biden doesn’t have a clue.
Hey, even when Trump was president, he said at a rally that he didn’t even know where the billions were going to. He had no clue. That is why he got us out of it in the first place. He also said, that there could’ve been a better way to do this with the Paris agreement with all of the other countries. We just sacrificed our countries money again to someone. I hope all dems including libs are happy that we don’t even know where our money is going to. Even Biden doesn’t have a clue.
Doesn't matter...

I actually would like to know the constitutionality of a president making a foreign agreement that affects the daily life and livelihood of US citizens and commits US funds without the authorization of Congress. I’m actually not against the Agreement in general, but I’ve always questioned if it’s the place of a President to do it unilaterally.
Do you guys ever research the cost and regulations of these pacts? I know you guys base all decisions on emotions. (Of course evil is just tolling). These types of pacts kill our economy.
Hey, even when Trump was president, he said at a rally that he didn’t even know where the billions were going to. He had no clue. That is why he got us out of it in the first place. He also said, that there could’ve been a better way to do this with the Paris agreement with all of the other countries. We just sacrificed our countries money again to someone. I hope all dems including libs are happy that we don’t even know where our money is going to. Even Biden doesn’t have a clue.

Communists don't are global citizens, they dont care about America
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Man, I'm so glad we're back in this treaty while China and India have a free pass for the next decade to pollute at will because they're "developing"!

I slept so soundly last night knowing our economy will suffer because those Indians and Chinese couldn't do it green from the start!
Latest Inventory of U.S. Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Sinks Shows Long-Term Reductions, with Annual Variation | US EPA.

US carbon emissions down about 15% since 2008. Rest of the world up 24%.

Tell me again why we are paying into the bs that isnt working?
Feelings. To the left if it makes them "feel good about themselves (since they are miserable f###s in general)" it must be good! The celebration of rejoining a basically moot pact that never went through the proper government channels clearly shows that lack of quality education available in our country.
Hey, even when Trump was president, he said at a rally that he didn’t even know where the billions were going to. He had no clue. That is why he got us out of it in the first place. He also said, that there could’ve been a better way to do this with the Paris agreement with all of the other countries. We just sacrificed our countries money again to someone. I hope all dems including libs are happy that we don’t even know where our money is going to. Even Biden doesn’t have a clue.
That is the touchstone of his presidency.
Feelings. To the left if it makes them "feel good about themselves (since they are miserable f###s in general)" it must be good! The celebration of rejoining a basically moot pact that never went through the proper government channels clearly shows that lack of quality education available in our country.
You’re right.... they’re a bunch of f’ing idiots

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