The Paris Agreement

Yeah she's real class. Doesn't she have a Palestinian bomb making class to teach?
I don’t know what qualifies as a Palestinian bomb, but I’m sure they are more effective than the contraptions the bubbas in Trump’s army threw together.
Obviously, they are wrong. We need to throw a lot more money at it whilst killing American businesses to make sure.
Yup. More typical ********. It’s not about reality but submitting to globalism. China is literally celebrating. They engineered the release of virus that swayed the presidential election and put in a candidate known to pander to their agenda and will weaken the US.
Man, I'm so glad we're back in this treaty while China and India have a free pass for the next decade to pollute at will because they're "developing"!

I slept so soundly last night knowing our economy will suffer because those Indians and Chinese couldn't do it green from the start!

Really makes you wonder how much the Biden crime family will get out of this.
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