I think you mean "cretin" which is a medical condition due to infantile hypothyroidism leading to mental retardation and synomous with moron and stupid.
Nevertheless, the Pembroke post game reports are excellant.:salute:
Don't expect the seeding to matter, this team will be lucky to make it to the 2nd round.
Yeah, I guess you're right. Well, we'll see what happens tomorrow night.
I'd say we have a very good chance to make the second round, and I'd also say that seeding does in fact matter. I'd rather have the 5/6 we are headed for now than the 8/9 we were staring down on Friday. Also, we've performed very well over the last 5 games, with 4 very good performances and one stinkbomb. If we can keep it up then the Sweet 16 may be a possibility.