The perpetual "Oh no, the Govt gonna Shutdown!" Thread, bought to you by the Wingnut LG

It's 100% a result of the GOP being a rudderless ship. Douchnozzles like Gaetz and MTG don't gas about being fiscally responsible.
It is not 100% a result of the GOP being rudderless. This has happened before when they were ruddered. It was grandstanding then, because you are right, none of them cared, and its grandstanding now, because none of them care. ruddered or not, they don't care.

they all get paid whether or not there is a shut down, so no problem for them there. both sides get to pander to their bases, so no problem there. 95% seeking reelection will be reelected, so no problem there.
The shutdown doesn't mean anything unless you're a government employee who is fiscally retarded, which a lot are. I had one of my managers ask me how his employees with babies are gonna buy diapers during the furlough. I told him "buy them now".

Empathy is a crutch for the weak.

I'm going to furlough myself and go fishing in Alaska.
its a reflection of the leadership, which is a reflection of the people electing them. its a vicious cycle.
Lol, this is brought to you by both parties. Only a tribal partisan dumbass would say any different. Both sides and the media play their supporters like the idiots they are and it's proven every day right here in the VN PF.


The GOP mainstream in the House recognizes that the way to address this, as in the past, is a resolution to fund the government. The refusal to do so and insist on other things at the pleasure of Gaetz, et al., is pure political grandstanding by them and prevents funding the government in the normal course of business.

By definition, this is a direct result of the GOP being unable to manage its own affairs. This is entirely a GOP-caused problem.

Now, if you want to argue bigger picture that deficit spending is a bi-partisan affair, I would absolutely agree with you. But holding up continuing funding under the guise of calling attention to that issue is a fool's errand, at best, and misleading, at worst.
Isn't the issue that the gop wants single issue spending Bill's vs omnibus bills to filled with bloat???? Shouldn't we all want thr additional spending and kick backs removed..
shouldn't we all want bills that Are easy to read and understand instead of 3000 pages...
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The GOP mainstream in the House recognizes that the way to address this, as in the past, is a resolution to fund the government. The refusal to do so and insist on other things at the pleasure of Gaetz, et al., is pure political grandstanding by them and prevents funding the government in the normal course of business.

By definition, this is a direct result of the GOP being unable to manage its own affairs. This is entirely a GOP-caused problem.

Now, if you want to argue bigger picture that deficit spending is a bi-partisan affair, I would absolutely agree with you. But holding up continuing funding under the guise of calling attention to that issue is a fool's errand, at best, and misleading, at worst.

Didn't we just do this a few months ago and spending exploded?
Didn't we just do this a few months ago and spending exploded?

Not exactly, but in any event misses the forest for the trees. The question is, what is the mechanism to address the debt?

This is not it. This solves nothing. It's just pure "look at me!" antics by a wing of the party.
The only people who aren't working in the FAA are the people we dont need working anyways. None of our work goes away during a shutdown, just peoples biweekly paychecks.

But from the 18+ years I've spent in the FAA..I'd buy insurance anyway....
You work for the fuzz? What do you do?
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The GOP mainstream in the House recognizes that the way to address this, as in the past, is a resolution to fund the government. The refusal to do so and insist on other things at the pleasure of Gaetz, et al., is pure political grandstanding by them and prevents funding the government in the normal course of business.

By definition, this is a direct result of the GOP being unable to manage its own affairs. This is entirely a GOP-caused problem.

Now, if you want to argue bigger picture that deficit spending is a bi-partisan affair, I would absolutely agree with you. But holding up continuing funding under the guise of calling attention to that issue is a fool's errand, at best, and misleading, at worst.
Actually yes, this is result of your party not compromising on spending. Also, yes YOU are a tribal partisan hack that would have your poms-poms out cheering this on if it was your side doing it.
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The GOP mainstream in the House recognizes that the way to address this, as in the past, is a resolution to fund the government. The refusal to do so and insist on other things at the pleasure of Gaetz, et al., is pure political grandstanding by them and prevents funding the government in the normal course of business.

By definition, this is a direct result of the GOP being unable to manage its own affairs. This is entirely a GOP-caused problem.

Now, if you want to argue bigger picture that deficit spending is a bi-partisan affair, I would absolutely agree with you. But holding up continuing funding under the guise of calling attention to that issue is a fool's errand, at best, and misleading, at worst.
the senate proposal includes more than just the current level of funding for the government. it also includes several billions for Ukraine, so its also a lie to say this is all for America.
Ok, fine by me.

This is not the correct mechanism to do that. You keep ignoring that fact.
what is the correct mechanism? They have been negotiating for months, and gotten nothing resolved regarding the debt. If they had, we wouldn't be in this issue.

This is also ALWAYS the argument. according to you and most of DC there is never a time to actually address the issues, just kick the can some more.
what is the correct mechanism? They have been negotiating for months, and gotten nothing resolved regarding the debt. If they had, we wouldn't be in this issue.

This is also ALWAYS the argument. according to you and most of DC there is never a time to actually address the issues, just kick the can some more.

That's like saying that because you could not agree on a price at the dealership to get new tires you are going to intentionally run out of gas a few days later and strand yourself by the side of the road to symbolize how much it costs in total to run a car.

You will eventually have to gas up your clunker to get it moving. And you will still have to buy new tires.

You've accomplished nothing.
That's like saying that because you could not agree on a price at the dealership to get new tires you are going to intentionally run out of gas a few days later and strand yourself by the side of the road to symbolize how much it costs in total to run a car.

You will eventually have to gas up your clunker to get it moving. And you will still have to buy new tires.

You've accomplished nothing.
so what is the correct mechanisms? Pay more than you can afford to while signing up for an overpriced service plan that doesn't work, and be stuck right back in the same situation the next time you need to fill up but with even more debt?
so what is the correct mechanisms? Pay more than you can afford to while signing up for an overpriced service plan that doesn't work, and be stuck right back in the same situation the next time you need to fill up but with even more debt?

Seems to me there are three means to reduce the debt:

1) Growth resulting in increasing tax revenue (which we do not just spend, but use to pay down debt).

2) Increase taxes.

3) Reduce spending.

IMO, we will have to do all three. The mix is the question.
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Seems to me there are three means to reduce the debt:

1) Growth resulting in increasing tax revenue (which we do not just spend, but use to pay down debt).

2) Increase taxes.

3) Reduce spending.

IMO, we will have to do all three. The mix is the question.

I have to lulz at #1. Anytime the government gets their hands on extra money, it's gonna get spent on pet projects.

Why do you think Social Security is a disaster waiting to happen?
Seems to me there are three means to reduce the debt:

1) Growth resulting in increasing tax revenue (which we do not just spend, but use to pay down debt).

2) Increase taxes.

3) Reduce spending.

IMO, we will have to do all three. The mix is the question.
Your proposal is more taxes. And then finally reduce spending.....shouldn't we reduce spending first and then maybe we wouldn't need to raise taxes..

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