Law Firm Demands Investigation After Grown Man Allegedly Showered With Freshman Girls At School
The Wisconsin Institute for Law & Liberty (WILL) is demanding that the Department of Education Office of Civil Rights (OCR) investigate a school district that allegedly failed to address parental complaints after an adult man, identifying as a woman, exposed his genitalia to four freshman girls in a high school locker room, according to a letter obtained by the Daily Caller News Foundation.
Following a high school swim unit in a March physical education class, four freshman girls were showering in the locker room when an 18-year-old male student allegedly entered the changing area, announced he was “trans, by the way,” and then fully undressed in front of the students,
according to WILL. WILL filed a civil rights
complaint to the OCR Wednesday, alleging that despite being notified of the “sexual harassment,” Sun Prairie Area School District failed to address student and parental concerns regarding the incident.
(RELATED: Drag Queen Named ‘Peppermint,’ ACLU Official Helped Organize Youth ‘Trans Prom’ Near US Capitol)
Law Firm Demands Investigation After Grown Man Allegedly Showered With Freshman Girls At School