...it's not over....
Lara Logan
"In case you though it was just one month… “In add to Pride Month in June, Oct is designated LGBT History Month. There is also a Non-Binary Awareness Week, which starts on July 14, & Int Drag Day on July 16"
“Other LGBT days…include Pansexual & Panromantic Awareness Day on May 24, International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia on May 17, and Lesbian Visibility Day on April 26. In March, there was a National LGBT Health Awareness Week and March 31 has been designated International Transgender Day of Visibility.
Coming up is Celebrate Bisexuality Day on Sept. 23 and the National Gay Men’s HIV/AIDS Awareness Day on Sept. 27.
The LGBT History Month in October features a National Coming Out Day on Oct. 21 and an International Pronouns Day on Oct. 18.
In November, Veterans Day is bookended by Intersex Day on Nov. 8 and Transgender Day of Remembrance on Nov. 20."
IN-DEPTH: Veterans' Outrage Grows as LBGT Observances Crowd Out Military Holidays
IN-DEPTH: Veterans' Outrage Grows as LBGT Observances Crowd Out Military Holidays
Backlash is growing over what many see as national LGBT observances upstaging honoring America's veterans.