The Problems with Trans-ideology

The issue with the guy is that she was a 19 year old employee of his that he got drunk and screwed. He's gross. It's gross. And apologists for him, like you come off as, should rightly f-off as gross humans. He's a gross sexual harasser.
As a father of 4 daughters, I agree….. even if she wasn’t his employee. A 45 year old man and a 19 year old woman is gross to me even if the man isn’t married and no alcohol is involved.
As a father of 4 daughters, I agree….. even if she wasn’t his employee. A 45 year old man and a 19 year old woman is gross to me even if the man isn’t married and no alcohol is involved.

Damn right. College cheerleaders look like kids to me...and have for a decade. I am 46. I am attracted to women in their 30s and up that are still physically fit....not little girls the same age or younger than my kids. If a man is banging girls the same age as his kids, how is that not a pedo? It isnt incest obviously, because they arent HIS kids....but how is that not gross? It is gross. What would your kids think about that? What about your peers who also have kids that same age? I am with you 100%
FDA Drops Special Blood Donor Assessments For Gay People


The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) ended special requirements for gay blood donors Thursday and will now use the same eligibility questionnaire for all donors regardless of sexual orientation, according to a press release.

Under the new rules, every blood donor will be asked the same questions about recent sexual history and time-based deferrals for men who have sex with men and women who have sex with women will be eliminated, according to the FDA. The agency predicts this will result in a larger pool of blood donors. (RELATED: FDA Panel Supports Offering Over The Counter Birth Control)

FDA Drops Special Blood Donor Assessments For Gay People
Good, and about time. This was a relic from earlier periods of the AIDS epidemic. Made sense at the time, but it's really about sexual behavior/history of any donor. Sexually monogamous donors, regardless orientation, pose less risk than donors with recent history of multiple partners. I haven't been able to donate for my entire adult life, and I'm 53.
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REVEALED: Dem-linked pollsters Refuse to Publish Their Own Study showing Americans OPPOSE trans procedures on kids - and discuss how voters must be 'educated' and hatch plan to 'Rebrand' puberty blockers in meeting about results

A liberal polling group is keeping quiet about the results of its survey that shows voters reject radical gender ideology, while privately hatching plans to 'educate' the public by 'rebranding puberty blockers.' gained access to an invite-only webinar of San Francisco-based Change Research, in which they unveiled new poll results that show Americans reject giving hormones and other trans drugs to children.

In the online session, lead pollster Betsy App called the results 'bad news,' saying the team would struggle to 'educate' the public about sex-reassignment for kids. She said it was time for 'rebranding puberty blockers' with a less-divisive term.

'I want to give us all a reality check,' App told the online session.

'We are facing an uphill battle when it comes to voters' fundamental beliefs about the relationship between sex and gender.'

Dem-linked pollsters tried to BURY their own survey showing voters OPPOSE trans procedures on kids | Daily Mail Online
Coming to the SEC soon.

University of Oklahoma Spends $18,000 for Drag Queen - Todd Starnes

President Joseph Harroz Jr. signed off on campus event that featured a high-priced drag queen.

He paid the drag queen $18,000 to perform at the annual Crimson and Queens Drag Show.

The annual event is sponsored by the university’s Gender and Equality group.

State Representative Justin Humphrey told Fox News the president of the school should be fired.

I’ll put in some heels. Where do I sign up?

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