The Red Line: Part Deux

Breaking News: The Mid-East was not fixed today.

For history on this, see the breaking news that it was not fixed each day for the last 1,000 years.

All Obama's fault, btw.
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It's entirely clear from that article that we have no coherent policy. Loved the understatement of the year -

"This is something that is going to require America's attention," Mr. Obama said during an interview broadcast Friday.
^^Would it require our attention if they killed the same amount of people with a conventional bomb?
Breaking News: The Mid-East was not fixed today.

For history on this, see the breaking news that it was not fixed each day for the last 1,000 years.

All Obama's fault, btw.

Hey hotrod, still waiting on your answers in the Voter ID thread.
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CBS reporting that US warships are moving closer to Syria in prep for cruise missile strikes and that the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs will be meeting at the White House tomorrow.
CBS reporting that US warships are moving closer to Syria in prep for cruise missile strikes and that the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs will be meeting at the White House tomorrow.

God this is the dumbest POTUS in history.
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@chucktodd 1h

Obama admin appears to be debating WHAT military action to take against Syria. Not really debating IF anymore more on @nbcnightlynews
I'll ask again (rhetorically) - does anyone know what our strategy or even specific goals are with regard to Syria?

Are we indeed arming anyone? Who? With what? What are the measurables? What indicates progress (whatever that is) is being made?

I don't and can't find anyone who does.
I'm as hesitant as anyone about getting involved in another conflict, but inaction is essentially telling all the dictators and authoritarian regimes of the world you can gas your people and not suffer any consequences. With Obama's red line and multiple uses of chemical weapons by Assad forces, we're almost forced to act. It's a tough position to be in.
I'm as hesitant as anyone about getting involved in another conflict, but inaction is essentially telling all the dictators and authoritarian regimes of the world you can gas your people and not suffer any consequences. With Obama's red line and multiple uses of chemical weapons by Assad forces, we're almost forced to act. It's a tough position to be in.

Not when the line keeps moving ...
and multiple uses of chemical weapons by Assad forces, we're almost forced to act.

hmmm, funny how that works out huh? The guy is driving the rebels back, knows the world will come down on him if he uses chemical weapons yet still does it just days after inspectors enter the country. Seems legit
Here we go, another undeclared war. Why can't we just mind our own business. I feel for the people killed. But, as was stated earlier, this is a UN issue, not a US issue.
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It's a UN issue; not a US issue.

Yes, it is a UN issue but they will do nothing to get involved because of Russia & China. Owebama drew a line in the sand telling a dictator ruling country what they should NOT do to it's own citizens in this civil war of theirs & IF they cross that said line then WE (US) will be getting involved. So it looks like the POTUS has been called out now having to show just how big a threat his BS is. Now, he's caught between a bolder & a hard place to make a wiggle room decision. Does he show that he has some balls to slap Syria in the face w/some kind of air strike or use drones to do the dirty work for him? Are we arming those rebels that are fighting this civil war? Are we trying to throw Assad out of power and put a puppet in his place? What stake in Syria do we have because I've forgotten by NOW?
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