The Republican Party Today


Sudden Impact

Who we are is what We do with what We have!
Jan 7, 2007
Like it or not it ain't what it use to be. Trump is destroying what it use to be and the basis of it's foundation.
Article is over the top? Not as much as one would think.
What's more, is that this Party is digging a hole to hand over the Country to a bunch of feel good liberals.
Our Country is in total chaos at the moment because of the division and it is not getting any closer to solution.
Most of it is self serving pricks on both sides in their quest for power & $$$$ using any means to stay on top.
You may agree or not agree with this Article. It makes no difference if you do or don't. It is just gas on the fire for both parties to blame each other.
Enjoy the read.

Donald Trump entered the Republican Party into "international arrangements of oligarchies" (
Like it or not it ain't what it use to be. Trump is destroying what it use to be and the basis of it's foundation.
Article is over the top? Not as much as one would think.
What's more, is that this Party is digging a hole to hand over the Country to a bunch of feel good liberals.
Our Country is in total chaos at the moment because of the division and it is not getting any closer to solution.
Most of it is self serving pricks on both sides in their quest for power & $$$$ using any means to stay on top.
You may agree or not agree with this Article. It makes no difference if you do or don't. It is just gas on the fire for both parties to blame each other.
Enjoy the read.

Donald Trump entered the Republican Party into "international arrangements of oligarchies" (

It is my opinion that there are very very few politicians ( whether they are Republicans or Democrats ) who actually work for the good of we the people and most absolutely do not represent our best interests. They are only there to further their careers which is done by helping to facilitate the agenda of the ultra elite who ultimately are ruling the world by making "contributions to society" with huge donations to whatever cause they want to further. Just dig into the World Health Organization and the World Economic Forum and see the influence that people like George Soros and Bill Gates have on these powerful organizations. I fear that National Sovereignty will soon be a thing of the past.
Like it or not it ain't what it use to be. Trump is destroying what it use to be and the basis of it's foundation.
Article is over the top? Not as much as one would think.
What's more, is that this Party is digging a hole to hand over the Country to a bunch of feel good liberals.
Our Country is in total chaos at the moment because of the division and it is not getting any closer to solution.
Most of it is self serving pricks on both sides in their quest for power & $$$$ using any means to stay on top.
You may agree or not agree with this Article. It makes no difference if you do or don't. It is just gas on the fire for both parties to blame each other.
Enjoy the read.

Donald Trump entered the Republican Party into "international arrangements of oligarchies" (

Interesting article, gave me a lot to think about.
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Like it or not it ain't what it use to be. Trump is destroying what it use to be and the basis of it's foundation.
Article is over the top? Not as much as one would think.
What's more, is that this Party is digging a hole to hand over the Country to a bunch of feel good liberals.
Our Country is in total chaos at the moment because of the division and it is not getting any closer to solution.
Most of it is self serving pricks on both sides in their quest for power & $$$$ using any means to stay on top.
You may agree or not agree with this Article. It makes no difference if you do or don't. It is just gas on the fire for both parties to blame each other.
Enjoy the read.

Donald Trump entered the Republican Party into "international arrangements of oligarchies" (

Lets see, an article about Trump and Republicans posted on MSN. Why would I need to read it to know what it says?

The moment you linked to that drivel you lost any pretense of being a voice for sanity that is the crux of the rest of your argument (most of which I agree with btw).

The progressive left doesnt hate Trump or Republicans because they are corrupt, they despise them because they were partially effective. They have no problem with corruption at all, see the current WH occupant, Mr Big Guy.

I have multitude problems with Trump and the feckless GOP leadership and my arguments would cut the legs from under them but I would NEVER use the link you posted as evidence of my position unless I were a leftist.
Like it or not it ain't what it use to be. Trump is destroying what it use to be and the basis of it's foundation.
Article is over the top? Not as much as one would think.
What's more, is that this Party is digging a hole to hand over the Country to a bunch of feel good liberals.
Our Country is in total chaos at the moment because of the division and it is not getting any closer to solution.
Most of it is self serving pricks on both sides in their quest for power & $$$$ using any means to stay on top.
You may agree or not agree with this Article. It makes no difference if you do or don't. It is just gas on the fire for both parties to blame each other.
Enjoy the read.

Donald Trump entered the Republican Party into "international arrangements of oligarchies" (
OP bemoans division then posts article in which the first sentence calls the republican party a criminal organisation
Lets see, an article about Trump and Republicans posted on MSN. Why would I need to read it to know what it says?

The moment you linked to that drivel you lost any pretense of being a voice for sanity that is the crux of the rest of your argument (most of which I agree with btw).

The progressive left doesnt hate Trump or Republicans because they are corrupt, they despise them because they were partially effective. They have no problem with corruption at all, see the current WH occupant, Mr Big Guy.

I have multitude problems with Trump and the feckless GOP leadership and my arguments would cut the legs from under them but I would NEVER use the link you posted as evidence of my position unless I were a leftist.

Take it with a grain of Salt. Discredit the Article and call it drivel. This applies to both parties, but don't disregard the facts stated in the Article because it was published by Salon and posted on MSN. Doesn't make it a lie.

Quite Frankly I am tired worn out of every agency giving these yahoos the air time. Trump, Biden, Cruz, MTG, AOC, and other Democrats --- all of them need to be removed from the news columns. Media in all forms is causing this to a degree.

I don't know what your definition of partially effective or effective is, but no, most of what Trump accomplished is a facade riddle with hate, corruption and self promotion. A house built of sticks on stilts. Trump will bankrupt America. Biden isn't helping.

As for the Democrats and the extremes, they are pushing their agenda beyond what they already have been granted lawfully.
We are in a vicious 360 degree cycle with this crap on both sides and we are in the wash, rinse repeat mode of politics.

If Trump is elected nothing will be resolved Congress will be all Democratically controlled and more impeachments and we only have to put up with it for 4 years, he will be a lame duck President, and this nation will regress further.
Like it or not it ain't what it use to be. Trump is destroying what it use to be and the basis of it's foundation.
Article is over the top? Not as much as one would think.
What's more, is that this Party is digging a hole to hand over the Country to a bunch of feel good liberals.
Our Country is in total chaos at the moment because of the division and it is not getting any closer to solution.
Most of it is self serving pricks on both sides in their quest for power & $$$$ using any means to stay on top.
You may agree or not agree with this Article. It makes no difference if you do or don't. It is just gas on the fire for both parties to blame each other.
Enjoy the read.

Donald Trump entered the Republican Party into "international arrangements of oligarchies" (

Well you did get one thing right, Trump is destroying the GOPe. The days of spineless RINOs and Republicucks are dead and over.
Take it with a grain of Salt. Discredit the Article and call it drivel. This applies to both parties, but don't disregard the facts stated in the Article because it was published by Salon and posted on MSN. Doesn't make it a lie.

Quite Frankly I am tired worn out of every agency giving these yahoos the air time. Trump, Biden, Cruz, MTG, AOC, and other Democrats --- all of them need to be removed from the news columns. Media in all forms is causing this to a degree.

I don't know what your definition of partially effective or effective is, but no, most of what Trump accomplished is a facade riddle with hate, corruption and self promotion. A house built of sticks on stilts. Trump will bankrupt America. Biden isn't helping.

As for the Democrats and the extremes, they are pushing their agenda beyond what they already have been granted lawfully.
We are in a vicious 360 degree cycle with this crap on both sides and we are in the wash, rinse repeat mode of politics.

If Trump is elected nothing will be resolved Congress will be all Democratically controlled and more impeachments and we only have to put up with it for 4 years, he will be a lame duck President, and this nation will regress further.

Good argument for the repeal of the 17th amendment, returning the federal government to pre-civil war size/scope/authority and making congress a part time job with pay and benefits being commensurate.
OP bemoans division then posts article in which the first sentence calls the republican party a criminal organisation
Been a Republican for years called it like I see it.
Time will tell. Stick your head further into the sand.
I don't like Democrats either, I just hate where both parties have gone.
Nasty dirty, immature, politics.
Sit by and watch this crash and burn on both sides.
Well you did get one thing right, Trump is destroying the GOPe. The days of spineless RINOs and Republicucks are dead and over.

Now we have a bunch of nut job conspiracy theorists. We need adults in DC. And apparently we are too stupid to elect adults who can think independently
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We need to make DC irrelevant to our daily lives.
I remember hearing an argument that shifting more power to the Feds was necessary to compete on the worlds stage.

What’s happened though is we aren’t trying to compete, rather we are just integrating. It’s pretty much a merger.
Been a Republican for years called it like I see it.
Time will tell. Stick your head further into the sand.
I don't like Democrats either, I just hate where both parties have gone.
Nasty dirty, immature, politics.
Sit by and watch this crash and burn on both sides.
Politically, our country is becoming an inverted bell curve. Moderation use to be the norm and extremism was present but relatively small on both sides. Moderation is becoming the political rarity and extremism the new norm.

That was an intended goal of Trumpism (Bannon/Stone), and precisely why it should have been rejected.
It's now crystal clear.....every moderate republican is now demonized as a Rino and targeted by the extreme - which currently controls the republican party.

Amazingly enough, there are even posters in the PF who view that as a good thing.
Like it or not it ain't what it use to be. Trump is destroying what it use to be and the basis of it's foundation.
Article is over the top? Not as much as one would think.
What's more, is that this Party is digging a hole to hand over the Country to a bunch of feel good liberals.
Our Country is in total chaos at the moment because of the division and it is not getting any closer to solution.
Most of it is self serving pricks on both sides in their quest for power & $$$$ using any means to stay on top.
You may agree or not agree with this Article. It makes no difference if you do or don't. It is just gas on the fire for both parties to blame each other.
Enjoy the read.

Donald Trump entered the Republican Party into "international arrangements of oligarchies" (
LOL Trump has been in politics for like 7 years and all this is his fault. Not joe biden who has been around for 50 years not all Trump
Politically, our country is becoming an inverted bell curve. Moderation use to be the norm and extremism was present but relatively small on both sides. Moderation is becoming the political rarity and extremism the new norm.

That was an intended goal of Trumpism (Bannon/Stone), and precisely why it should have been rejected.
It's now crystal clear.....every moderate republican is now demonized as a Rino and targeted by the extreme - which currently controls the republican party.

Amazingly enough, there are even posters in the PF who view that as a good thing.
The rise in extremism is a result of the impact on our daily lives from the ever increasing power and size of our federal government.
I hate to break it to you Luther but you are an extremist.
On the continuum, 0 being the farthest right, 50 being complete moderate, and 100 being farthest left..........
you - 16
me - 72
It is incumbent upon the Republican party to not nominate Trump for a 3rd time. That will not turn out well for them. They need to move on. If they don't then they have no one to blame but themselves
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It is incumbent upon the Republican party to not nominate Trump for a 3rd time. That will not turn out well for them. They need to move on. If they don't then they have no one to blame but themselves
If Trump wins the nomination, you want the party officials to deny Trump the candidacy?
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Like it or not it ain't what it use to be. Trump is destroying what it use to be and the basis of it's foundation.
Article is over the top? Not as much as one would think.
What's more, is that this Party is digging a hole to hand over the Country to a bunch of feel good liberals.
Our Country is in total chaos at the moment because of the division and it is not getting any closer to solution.
Most of it is self serving pricks on both sides in their quest for power & $$$$ using any means to stay on top.
You may agree or not agree with this Article. It makes no difference if you do or don't. It is just gas on the fire for both parties to blame each other.
Enjoy the read.

Donald Trump entered the Republican Party into "international arrangements of oligarchies" (

Was that you celebrating the fbi raid on Mar-a-Lago or bought into it's legitimacy?
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