The Republican Party Today

It is incumbent upon the Republican party to not nominate Trump for a 3rd time. That will not turn out well for them. They need to move on. If they don't then they have no one to blame but themselves

It doesn't matter who'll will be nominated. Biden will win.
If Trump wins the nomination, you want the party officials to deny Trump the candidacy?

I'm not sure what you're asking. If he wins the nomination then by definition he is the nominee. It starts with us, the voters. We need to vote for someone else in the primary. Trump in the general is a disaster for Republicans
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I'm not sure what you're asking. If he wins the nomination then by definition he is the nominee. It starts with us, the voters. We need to vote for someone else in the primary. Trump in the general is a disaster for Republicans

I agree. That's why I found your post nonsensical.

It is incumbent upon the Republican party to not nominate Trump for a 3rd time. That will not turn out well for them. They need to move on. If they don't then they have no one to blame but themselves

Now I understand you are talking about the voters in the party and not the leadership of the Party.
I agree. That's why I found your post nonsensical.

Now I understand you are talking about the voters in the party and not the leadership of the Party.
I'm talking about the entire party, from voters on up
Like it or not it ain't what it use to be. Trump is destroying what it use to be and the basis of it's foundation.
Article is over the top? Not as much as one would think.
What's more, is that this Party is digging a hole to hand over the Country to a bunch of feel good liberals.
Our Country is in total chaos at the moment because of the division and it is not getting any closer to solution.
Most of it is self serving pricks on both sides in their quest for power & $$$$ using any means to stay on top.
You may agree or not agree with this Article. It makes no difference if you do or don't. It is just gas on the fire for both parties to blame each other.
Enjoy the read.

Donald Trump entered the Republican Party into "international arrangements of oligarchies" (

Meanwhile the Democrat Party can't decide if there are only males and females, is flooding the nation with millions of uneducated, low skilled workers, and perpetuates racial animosity while continuing to pander to the LGBTQ community but sure Donald Trump is the problem.
Politically, our country is becoming an inverted bell curve. Moderation use to be the norm and extremism was present but relatively small on both sides. Moderation is becoming the political rarity and extremism the new norm.

That was an intended goal of Trumpism (Bannon/Stone), and precisely why it should have been rejected.
It's now crystal clear.....every moderate republican is now demonized as a Rino and targeted by the extreme - which currently controls the republican party.

Amazingly enough, there are even posters in the PF who view that as a good thing.

I disagree that moderation should be the goal. E.g. I dont want pedophilia "in moderation" and there are no two sides to that argument. Not everyone is trying to get to the same goal, just a different way. There are some beliefs that are simply incompatible.

The GOAL, imho should be that everyone is able to discuss their ideas and beliefs without being immediately demonized and deplatformed if they do not agree with your own. Its that free speech thing. That largely seems to have been lost by a lot of people. People cant simply disagree without the other side being pure evil. Sure there are times where they other side IS evil but mostly, this is not going to be the case. Indeed, if you see MOST people who disagree with you as evil, YOU are the problem, not them.
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Neither party is pushing for normalization of pedophilia...yet

As for accusing the other side as being pure evil, that's mostly on the Dems. The label Republicans with words like bigot, homophobic, racist, transphobic etc etc. Republicans don't have nearly those kinds of names/labels for liberals
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Neither party is pushing for normalization of pedophilia...yet

As for accusing the other side as being pure evil, that's mostly on the Dems. The label Republicans with words like bigot, homophobic, racist, transphobic etc etc. Republicans don't have nearly those kinds of names/labels for liberals
Democrats to Republicans for 50 years:
gun nuts
war hawks

Democrats when Republicans attack similarly:
giphy (1).gif
Politically, our country is becoming an inverted bell curve. Moderation use to be the norm and extremism was present but relatively small on both sides. Moderation is becoming the political rarity and extremism the new norm.

That was an intended goal of Trumpism (Bannon/Stone), and precisely why it should have been rejected.
It's now crystal clear.....every moderate republican is now demonized as a Rino and targeted by the extreme - which currently controls the republican party.

Amazingly enough, there are even posters in the PF who view that as a good thing.

You are the problem Luther. You think your views are moderate. They aren't and you believe that your positions on most issues are common sense. They aren't. Therefore, you see everyone who disagrees with your views as extreme or right wing and that is the problem. The Left is what they are, loony and out of touch with reality. The Right is what they are, bitter and revisionist. It's the so called "moderates, independents, and rational" voters who are destroying the nation by continuing to perpetuate the notion that politicians like W, Obama, Romney, McCain, and Biden are the types of politicians that this nation needs. When in reality, they stand for nothing, believe nothing, and are tossed around by the whims of opinion polls or what's trending socially. The nation needs politicians who stand for the basic principles the nation was founded on and equality for everyone not continuously pandering to certain minorities or partisan groups. The country would be better off if suburban moms, educated elites, and federal workers stopped voting. When the "Luthers" of the World become part of the majority, there is no hope for real change ever occurring just the slow death of declining expectations along the path of "progress" with the so called moderates leading the way under the guise of compromise.
You are further left than that. Way further.
I don’t think either of you is as extreme as you’re trying to portray each other.

You both hold some pretty extreme views, but since it’s a relative metric, you have to leave room for the people fighting in the streets in Portland, rioting in various places, etc. etc.

Also, a single axis is insufficient.
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I don’t think either of you is as extreme as you’re trying to portray each other.

You both hold some pretty extreme views, but since it’s a relative metric, you have to leave room for the people fighting in the streets in Portland, rioting in various places, etc. etc.

Also, a single axis is insufficient.

I'm not extreme politically. I just want to be left alone and think the majority of decisions need to be made at the local level. What builds extremism is when an overbearing central government forces one size fits all laws onto everyone. What might be completely acceptable, normal and welcome in one part of the country may be outlandish and completely unacceptable in another. As long as states and localities are not violating to bill of rights and interfering with interstate commerce I don't have a problem with what they do inside of their borders.

I don't want to force my lifestyle, beliefs, customs or ideology onto anyone else.
I'm not extreme politically. I just want to be left alone and think the majority of decisions need to be made at the local level. What builds extremism is when an overbearing central government forces one size fits all laws onto everyone. What might be completely acceptable, normal and welcome in one part of the country may be outlandish and completely unacceptable in another. As long as states and localities are not violating to bill of rights and interfering with interstate commerce I don't have a problem with what they do inside of their borders.

I don't want to force my lifestyle, beliefs, customs or ideology onto anyone else.
Well said. I agree with all of this.
I'm not sure what you're asking. If he wins the nomination then by definition he is the nominee. It starts with us, the voters. We need to vote for someone else in the primary. Trump in the general is a disaster for Republicans
It's an interesting situation we have approaching. I am convinced the only person Biden could beat is Trump. I also believe the only person Trump could beat is Biden.
I'm not extreme politically. I just want to be left alone and think the majority of decisions need to be made at the local level. What builds extremism is when an overbearing central government forces one size fits all laws onto everyone. What might be completely acceptable, normal and welcome in one part of the country may be outlandish and completely unacceptable in another. As long as states and localities are not violating to bill of rights and interfering with interstate commerce I don't have a problem with what they do inside of their borders.

I don't want to force my lifestyle, beliefs, customs or ideology onto anyone else.

I’m pretty sure you have said you want the government to administer some sort of suffrage test to determine who gets to vote.

If not, my apologies, but I’d classify that as extreme on the right/authoritarian end of the described axis. I’m sure there are others, but none that immediately come to mind.
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I’m pretty sure you have said you want the government to administer some sort of suffrage test to determine who gets to vote.

If not, my apologies, but I’d classify that as extreme on the right/authoritarian end of the described axis. I’m sure there are others, but none that immediately come to mind.

There probably should be but it would get abused by both sides so it isn't practical but there are far too many voters who either don't care enough to pay attention or aren't intelligent enough to pay attention.
It's an interesting situation we have approaching. I am convinced the only person Biden could beat is Trump. I also believe the only person Trump could beat is Biden.
I see no reason to think Trump could beat Biden. Since he lost 3 yrs ago, people close to him have been marginalized (Giuliani), he's been indicted; he's been found guilty civilly of sexual assault. What makes anyone think he could now flip states like Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Michigan? Furthermore, if he could somehow get elected, who would work for him? It didn't work out too well for the folks last time. Just ask Steve Bannon, Michael Flynn and Paul Manafort.

He's old news. As a party we need to move on
There probably should be but it would get abused by both sides so it isn't practical but there are far too many voters who either don't care enough to pay attention or aren't intelligent enough to pay attention.
Caring enough to take a cursory glance at US and World history and having enough intelligence for a scintilla of critical thinking would lead one to the inescapable conclusion that no, there probably should not be.

But I still think you should get a vote.
You are the problem Luther. You think your views are moderate. They aren't and you believe that your positions on most issues are common sense. They aren't. Therefore, you see everyone who disagrees with your views as extreme or right wing and that is the problem. The Left is what they are, loony and out of touch with reality. The Right is what they are, bitter and revisionist. It's the so called "moderates, independents, and rational" voters who are destroying the nation by continuing to perpetuate the notion that politicians like W, Obama, Romney, McCain, and Biden are the types of politicians that this nation needs. When in reality, they stand for nothing, believe nothing, and are tossed around by the whims of opinion polls or what's trending socially. The nation needs politicians who stand for the basic principles the nation was founded on and equality for everyone not continuously pandering to certain minorities or partisan groups. The country would be better off if suburban moms, educated elites, and federal workers stopped voting. When the "Luthers" of the World become part of the majority, there is no hope for real change ever occurring just the slow death of declining expectations along the path of "progress" with the so called moderates leading the way under the guise of compromise.
Tons of BS in that so I will not attempt to address it all.
So you think suburban women, educated people, and government employees vote incorrectly? Interesting.
I think it all boils down to you not liking where compromise and progress leads.
Plus, the nation was most definitely founded on compromise and progress.

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