The Republican Party Today

It ain't Trump's fault, it's not Biden's fault --- its the voters that are buying in, donating, branding and voting for these idiots.

Two completely different brands of politics with the clowns as in Congress for support.
Corruption on both sides, power and money quests and none of them are serving in anybody's interest....

We are being Conned by both parties... So you can vote for the lesser of the two Evils but in reality one is just as bad as the other.
Theoretically at least, if people always vote for the lesser of two or more evils (ESPECIALLY IN THE PRIMARIES), we will continually get less evil and the motivation will be to present yourself is less evil than your opponent(s). Some have taken the stance that supporting the most evil is somehow in their best interest. (Trumpism)
Agreed. The question would always be how to decide impartially. Someone confined to a facility because they cannot function due to mental incapacity could be one criteria. Perhaps there are other limiting criteria; for instance, can a mentally unfit person qualify for a drivers license. The great example would be the form required to buy a firearm as a qualifier ... that would cause liberal heads to explode.
I think there are already circumstances where mentally incompetent people lose their right to vote.
I’m opposed to government without the consent of the governed. I’m not sure how there could even be any genuine confusion about that. Do you not see a relationship between the vote and individual liberty?

"A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the people discover they can vote themselves largess out of the public treasury. " - Alexander Fraser Tyler

I believe @hog88 is addressing the conundrum put forth by Mr. Tyler. The premise is the electorate should be made up of responsible voters who have skin in the game. The FFs believed in this with attempts like eligible voters being limited to property owners, the idea being those who owned property and thereby paid taxes on it, were less likely to vote for bloated government which inevitably becomes corrupt. I have to say I agree with the premise.

We have too many people today who are voting based on what they believe the government can provide them as if money grows on trees in government orchards. And the Democrats are seriously pushing the idea that sixteen year olds should have suffrage. Not no, but hell no.
Theoretically at least, if people always vote for the lesser of two or more evils (ESPECIALLY IN THE PRIMARIES), we will continually get less evil and the motivation will be to present yourself is less evil than your opponent(s). Some have taken the stance that supporting the most evil is somehow in their best interest. (Trumpism)
Some don't realize what a functioning govt looks like and have no clue that are voting based on showmanship and brain washing.
When Trump entered the race in 2015, did not think he would win the nomination, but knew if he did he would Win.
Stated it would not end well for the Republican and felt he would damage the Republican to a degree but not beyond repair. I was wrong.

All his success is based on self promotion and a base group of followers. I honestly believed that people would see through him and his 7+ Bankruptcies, along with the numerous times he short changed lawyers, Companies, and others by threatening to file bankruptcy after work completed. A liar, a thief, a con, a cheat, and just evil. He has assets, but donors continued to pay his legal bills and he hasn't yet liquidated a single asset. Yet followers continue to send him money which is like throwing money into a fire.

As for Biden, more of the same but he is politically opposite of Trump. Corruption, lies, and other flaws exist. Although the opposite of Trump, Biden as a choice isn't any better. End Products are pretty much the same and Congress will continue to be dysfunctional.

Both are a waste of Taxpayers $$$$ and both have followings that will vote for one to keep the other out. So we are at a Stalemate.
Any argument for one is a plus for the other and vice versa.

The only person to fix this is the Voter. Republicans are not going to turn on their own, nor will the Democrats do it either. So we are pretty much stuck in a 2nd Grade scenario.
All I'm seeing is that you would like to restrict voting rights based on some kind of subjective test involving "vesting," but have no idea what you want that test to be.
I agree with Hog on this. History shows socialism will not work, yet we are marching down the primrose path to it because a lot of people vote for people they perceive can give them the most. Just because one recognizes there is a problem, does not mean they have the answers. Happens all the time.
im not so sure term limits is the greatest idea some of you think it is. look at the 17th amendment. that amendment destroyed the electoral process of the country and we've been suffering for 100 yrs since because the average voter is a retard.
I agree with Hog on this. History shows socialism will not work, yet we are marching down the primrose path to it because a lot of people vote for people they perceive can give them the most. Just because one recognizes there is a problem, does not mean they have the answers. Happens all the time.
You lost me when you started randomly whining about socialism in a discussion of voting requirements without even trying to tie it to the topic.
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"A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the people discover they can vote themselves largess out of the public treasury. " - Alexander Fraser Tyler

I believe @hog88 is addressing the conundrum put forth by Mr. Tyler. The premise is the electorate should be made up of responsible voters who have skin in the game. The FFs believed in this with attempts like eligible voters being limited to property owners, the idea being those who owned property and thereby paid taxes on it, were less likely to vote for bloated government which inevitably becomes corrupt. I have to say I agree with the premise.

We have too many people today who are voting based on what they believe the government can provide them as if money grows on trees in government orchards. And the Democrats are seriously pushing the idea that sixteen year olds should have suffrage. Not no, but hell no.

Precisely and exactly my point, I just don't know how we get to that "responsible voters" without trampling civil rights.
Theoretically at least, if people always vote for the lesser of two or more evils (ESPECIALLY IN THE PRIMARIES), we will continually get less evil and the motivation will be to present yourself is less evil than your opponent(s). Some have taken the stance that supporting the most evil is somehow in their best interest. (Trumpism)

Your definition of evil is comical lol. Trump is "evil" because he is crass and hurts people's feelings but the party who openly supports flooding the nation with illegal, unskilled, and in many cases dangerous people, not to even mention the weird, unnatural obsession with transgenderism isn't "evil"? That is the problem with the Left. You can't have an even remotely open discussion with people who have such a distorted view of reality that basic facts like a man and woman can't even be discussed or the notion of a nation's border. It makes any compromise nearly impossible because invariably the compromising always seems to come from anyone but the Left. I couldn't care less who an adult chooses to sleep with in their own bedroom, if they choose to use medicinal marijuana, or the color of person's skin but the Left chooses to shove those issues down everyone's throats then scream and yell if you even remotely question the logic or reason behind it.
I regr
I regret you did. By the way, farmers are huge beneficiaries of government largesse. Should they vote?

Farmer's need subsidies or most would cease to exist, millions of unskilled workers flooding the nation or someone choosing not to work who otherwise could and should is hardly a need by any stretch of the imagination
I regr
I regret you did. By the way, farmers are huge beneficiaries of government largesse. Should they vote?
I really do not have a firm answer on that. It is true they benefit from government subsidies. On the other side of the coin, they are subjected to tremendous amounts of government regulation, which only increases from year to year. I've other posts on the topic I will not repeat here.
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Farmer's need subsidies or most would cease to exist, millions of unskilled workers flooding the nation or someone choosing not to work who otherwise could and should is hardly a need by any stretch of the imagination

Seems like a dodge. I thought the concept was that you shouldn't be voting if you're accepting government "largessee."

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