The Republican Party Today

Shall not be infringed
Rational and reasonable restrictions are not infringements.
Been ruled on multiple times.
You can keep saying it but you know it changes nothing.
Age restrictions on the purchase of a gun are absolutely constitutional.

You trapped yourself - there are additional dangers in the third dimension.........give it time.
It is right there. You're basically saying that if someone is receiving government assistance, they should not be allowed to vote.

I did. What level and kind of assistance could be discussed. Someone who lost their job and has been on unemployment for a few weeks shouldn’t be disenfranchised. But someone that’s been on welfare for years but is capable of working yeah maybe shouldn’t hold a franchise.
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No, not at all. Quit trying to read things that aren’t there.
A follow-up: today @VolinWayne stated that he took government covid money (which was approved under trump) for his business, wound up not needing it, and felt guilty because of it. I asked him if would donate the funds to a charitable cause and he responded that he spent it on his acreage in GA. Should he be prohibited from voting because of his utilization of government largesse?
I did. What level and kind of assistance could be discussed. Someone who lost their job and has been on unemployment for a few weeks shouldn’t be disenfranchised. But someone that’s been on welfare for years but is capable of working yeah maybe shouldn’t hold a franchise.
See my follow-up.
A follow-up: today @VolinWayne stated that he took government covid money (which was approved under trump) for his business, wound up not needing it, and felt guilty because of it. I asked him if would donate the funds to a charitable cause and he responded that he spent it on his acreage in GA. Should he be prohibited from voting because of his utilization of government largesse?

Depending on which program the money came from he may be subject to prosecution.
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Depending on which program the money came from he may be subject to prosecution.

You have to steal a buttload for the feds to care. Even if he's not subject to prosecution, the point still stands. Whether you're taking foodstuffs and welfare, or sucking up governmental corporate assistance without needing it; you're still on relying on gov't largesse. Do we take away Wayne's right to vote, too?
You have to steal a buttload for the feds to care. Even if he's not subject to prosecution, the point still stands. Whether you're taking foodstuffs and welfare, or sucking up governmental corporate assistance without needing it; you're still on relying on gov't largesse. Do we take away Wayne's right to vote, too?

Exception for those that are disabled. They can't help that.
You have to steal a buttload for the feds to care. Even if he's not subject to prosecution, the point still stands. Whether you're taking foodstuffs and welfare, or sucking up governmental corporate assistance without needing it; you're still on relying on gov't largesse. Do we take away Wayne's right to vote, too?

Maybe so
I have no problem with that. Seems rational and reasonable.

Right. I also think that in person voting is the way to go, but some could register to vote remotely via a paper mail in ballot if they register their thumbprints before hand. There is no way to cheat that way. The thumbprints can be scanned and verified before the vote is counted.
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