The Ron DeSantis - Gavin Newsom debate 9pm Nov 30 on Fox.

It’s like Nixon Kennedy debates. DeSantis is a far better governor with a deep command of the facts but Newsom looks far more comfortable on stage.
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DeSantis looks most comfortable when he is on attack mode. Then his delivery is smooth and powerful.
"Comfortable" as in 9.5/10 punchable face?

Newson is a stone cold smooth liar who can take the candy from right out of the baby’s mouth with a warm genuine smile.

But he also knows most people have no idea what the facts are really so the important thing is to state the lie with conviction and sincerity.
There are huge differences culturally, economically and demographically between California and Florida. California doesn't have a redneck Riviera for starters. DeSantis always comes off like he is--smug, think-skinned a$$hole.
I’d rather him just be serious and kick butt

Yes but his lack of stage charm is partly why he is so far behind Trump.

If he wants to compete in the general he has to not only KNOW the right things to do, he has to be able to SELL it on the big stage.

This is good experience for DeSantis that will serve him well in the future.

He is looking a bit more comfortable now.
I don't know how the democrats trot out Biden anymore. They should retire him for Newsom. I don't like his policy positions but he can hold his own on the debate stage trying to defend a badly run state.
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California doesn't have a redneck Riviera for starters.
******** three-ring
Circus sideshow of
Here in this hopeless f*****g hole we call L.A.
The only way to fix it is to flush it all away
Any f*****g time, any f*****g day
Learn to swim, I'll see you down in Arizona bay
I actually thought that this debate helped DeSantis quite a bit....He is gonna see a spike in support. Newsome was a used car saleman..funny he is basically a skinny Trump but the left loves him. Cheated on his wife with his beat friend. He never directly answered a question whereas DeSantis did.
It was weird, and hilarious, to hear Newsom parrot Trump and try to hit DeSantis on Covid lockdowns. Who told him that was a good idea?
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One thing is clear is there is a real distain between those two. The contrasts were clear. Both can handle a stage. Newsom really wanted us to believe he was a puppet for the Biden Administration. No one is buying that. I fell asleep toward the end. I wish Desantis would've hit him on how Newsom did clean up the streets for China and line it with their flags. That would've hurt in a public debate. That Newsom line about neither of us will be the nominee in 2024 had to sting but Desantis came back with Newsom running a shadow campaign.
One thing is clear is there is a real distain between those two. The contrasts were clear. Both can handle a stage. Newsom really wanted us to believe he was a puppet for the Biden Administration. No one is buying that. I fell asleep toward the end. I wish Desantis would've hit him on how Newsom did clean up the streets for China and line it with their flags. That would've hurt in a public debate. That Newsom line about neither of us will be the nominee in 2024 had to sting but Desantis came back with Newsom running a shadow campaign.
He did. I’ll see if I can find the clip.
It’s like Nixon Kennedy debates. DeSantis is a far better governor with a deep command of the facts but Newsom looks far more comfortable on stage.
DeSantis is so well liked in Florida that he’s behind 41 points in his own state. Plus he may be the creepiest SOB on the planet. What’s with that smile?

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