The shut down thread

Fear monger much?
You put the wall up and then help the mentally ill get the help they need. More violence is not the answer.
You know what they say.

Good fences make good neighbors.
lol.....but if your neighbor put up an 8 foot concrete wall only on the portion of his land that directly borders yours, you probably wouldn't view it as very neighborly.
"The buck stops with everybody." - President Donald Trump, when asked if "the buck stops with him" for the government shutdown.

Does that exemplify what passes for accountability in the Trump administration or what?
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"The buck stops with everybody." - President Donald Trump, when asked if "the buck stops with him" for the government shutdown.

Does that exemplify what passes for accountability in the Trump administration or what?
I guess I have to give him credit for not saying "The buck stops with everybody but me." (Which is really what he was thinking and truly wanted to say.)
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If I kept invading his property against his wishes it isn’t clear to me he would GAF what I think anyway.
If it were only your dog that occasionally peed in their yard, you might view it as a tad excessive.
Perspective/optics...........I'm guessing they're different for Trumpers and the sane world.
If it were only your dog that occasionally peed in their yard, you might view it as a tad excessive.
Perspective/optics...........I'm guessing they're different for Trumpers and the sane world.
Nope. Sticking with I’m guessing he doesn’t GAF what I think. And if my dog kept wandering in his yard and peeing/crapping in it maybe I should control my dog before he shoots it!
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Nope. Sticking with I’m guessing he doesn’t GAF what I think. And if my dog kept wandering in his yard and peeing/crapping in it maybe I should control my dog before he shoots it!
You have done an excellent job of stating your position and perspective and in doing so have highlighted the reasons so many are against the Trump wall.
Man's gotta eat. Are they eligible for food stamps or unemployment? I dare say you care more about a border wall than hard working americans that protect your safety.

I think we all understand the problem with the pay disruption, but there are a couple of issues other than the impasse causing it. First, why does it make sense to pay people for time that they didn't work? You know that federal employees are eventually paid for disruptions during shutdowns .... whether they worked or not. My feeling is if they don't work, they don't get paid. If they are considered non-essential, they why in the hell are they even employed by the government?

Second, many of those employees are covered by unions. Where did their dues go, and why aren't the unions (part of AFL-CIO) stepping in to help tide them over? Unions sure as hell never had a problem with finding funds to support striking workers and artificially turn the balance against an employer - companies can't support each other because of anti-trust law, but unions on the other hand don't have a similar restriction.
"The buck stops with everybody." - President Donald Trump, when asked if "the buck stops with him" for the government shutdown.

Does that exemplify what passes for accountability in the Trump administration or what?
lol. please point out one failure Obama takes credit for. just one.

once you have found the one I can think of, see if you can find any more.

EVERY president doesn't take bad credit. not a one of them. This isn't a Trump issue, this is a two party issue that allows politicians to blame the other side.
I was going to say it works both ways. now I don't have to deal with my neighbors crap either, or build my own wall.

I only have 1 what I would define as a neighbor, and I'd love it if that guy built a wall.

We're looking for property now that I can build my compound on.
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lol. please point out one failure Obama takes credit for. just one.

once you have found the one I can think of, see if you can find any more.

EVERY president doesn't take bad credit. not a one of them. This isn't a Trump issue, this is a two party issue that allows politicians to blame the other side.
Per on 11/10/14, Barack Obama was quoted saying this in response to the drubbing the Democrats took in the mid-term elections: "The buck stops right here at my desk. Whenever, as the head of the party, it doesn't do well, I've got to take responsibility for it."

That is more personal accountability than Trump has ever shown.

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