The shut down thread

You’re an anarchist masquerading as a libertarian

I think he's just a clown trying to pretend that it's unnecessary to have laws as a means of running a civil society. While I agree with huff that there are way too many laws, many people have gone out of their way to insure that laws are a necessity. For example, due to vandalism, there is talk of completely closing Joshua Tree National Park. Proof that some people without supervision can't be trusted to protect and care for something that they themselves collectively own.
lol. please point out one failure Obama takes credit for. just one.

once you have found the one I can think of, see if you can find any more.

EVERY president doesn't take bad credit. not a one of them. This isn't a Trump issue, this is a two party issue that allows politicians to blame the other side.
And this is also wrong. Where do you think the line "The buck stops here" came from? President Harry Truman, who actually drafted a letter prior to the bombing of Hiroshima that placed full blame on himself in case anything went wrong. Can you imagine Trump doing that? President Kennedy accepted accountability for the Bay of Pigs invasion. President Carter accepted accountability for the failed rescue of hostages during the Iranian embassy hostage crisis (the helicopter collision)... and President Reagan (after much lying and prodding) finally did take responsibility in March of 1987 for Iran-Contra as President (although he continued to deny knowledge of North's payments). Reagan even used Truman's "The buck stops with me" line.
And this is also wrong. Where do you think the line "The buck stops here" came from? President Harry Truman, who actually drafted a letter prior to the bombing of Hiroshima that placed full blame on himself in case anything went wrong. Can you imagine Trump doing that? President Kennedy accepted accountability for the Bay of Pigs invasion. President Carter accepted accountability for the failed rescue of hostages during the Iranian embassy hostage crisis (the helicopter collision)... and President Reagan (after much lying and prodding) finally did take responsibility in March of 1987 for Iran-Contra as President (although he continued to deny knowledge of North's payments). Reagan even used Truman's "The buck stops with me" line.
got something in my life time?
got something in my life time?
LOL! Your exact words were "EVERY President doesn't take bad credit, not a one of them." You didn't say there had to be a time frame restricted to your lifetime (I have no idea how old you are). I did mention Obama's show of accountability for the Democrats poor showing in the 2014 mid-term elections in post #1,999. He even specifically said that "The buck stops right here at my desk." I assume that you are at least 12 years old and can remember that.
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F that. Let’s give Mexico to Cuba. Both sides will put up a wall with a mine field between them!

After seeing Cuba, I think Cuba would farm out the job to China, and give Mexico to China to cover the debt. Cuba looks like the asylum after the inmates ran it into the ground; they couldn't manage their way out of a paper bag.
Obama declared a national emergency entitled, "Blocking Property of Persons Threatening the Peace, Security, or Stability of Yemen" in order to freeze the assets of anyone perceived to be negatively impacting a political transition in Yemen, VOA reported. In 2014, the 44th president issued a national emergency referred to as "Blocking Property of Certain Persons Contributing to the Situation in Ukraine," which similarly locked the assets of those thought to be undermining democratic processes in Ukraine. These are just two of many internationally-oriented states of emergency that Obama declared while in office.

Obama Declared National Emergencies As President — But Not To Secure Wall Funding
Obama 13 times ok ....trump once bad. Got it. Bad to stop illegal human trafficking, illegal immigration, illegal drug trafficking and build up of illegals in camps before hearings. That’s all bad according to media. What a farce.
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