The Situation in Texas

So, what is he saying, the blue states are going to drop missiles on the rest of us?…that’s just great..
Not all Left are snow flakes, and not all Right are Neanderthals.

The middle ground still exists in America.
Many will put Trump back in office.
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I'd like to see the number on how much NYC has spent given they have to provide them with housing. Which is a law so dumb, only the left could create it.

Illegal immigration to cost New Yorkers $10 billion in 2023, US $150B: report​

Not Unrelated back in 2017 when they were demonizing Trump's border wall.
From the enemies of Trump's walls mouths. Trump estimated under 10 billion for wall, CNN said 15 billion but perhaps 27 Billion in a highly anti wall biased article. Kinda hilarious near sighted in hindsight.....but then they knew that then.

Here's a thought though.....if we still controlled the Panama Canal, and closed down the NGO and foriegn intelligence agency funded Darian Gap route.....what would it cost? Significantly cheaper......MUCH CHEAPER. This literallyw ould not be happening if not for Carter giving away the canal, and WEF, Chinese, multiple international terrorist groups funding an absolute plan invasion at teh Darian Gap...and most American have no clue where that is, what is going on there, or how Unspontanous this entire invasion is. It's planned, bought and paid for by groups outside, and inside our govt dedicated to destroying America's power in the world.

If everyone were to watch and fully understand this interview, no Democrat or Rino would be elected again without rigged elections.
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