The Smokeless Tobacco Forum

What do you dip?

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Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2008
Born and living in Virginia. I guess u could say we r all country boys since we live in the south and dipping is stereotyped as a redneck thing. So if you dip, what brand? I use Grizzly. Great price,taste, and strong:good!:
quit 2 years ago after a 10 year run. started very young. you should really consider quitting. to answer your question t-wolf straight.
took me numerous tries to quit. get yourself some pics of mouth cancer; that did it for me. you'll be glad you did.

sorry the thread took an ugly turn...
i had considered quitting for a while, but always felt that i was fine and would quit down the road. as for pictures of mouth cancer that was not what really forced me to quit. out of nowhere, i just rolled out of bed one day and felt like i could quit if i wanted to. for me it was a success in quitting cold turkey because i wanted to. that is all there is to it. you just have to want to succeed and if you are an addict and are on the fence about quitting anything, you will more than likely fail every time you try, simply because you don't want it bad enough. and i was truly addicted going through at my peak about 2 cans a day. in this case the mind is truly stronger. but yeah sorry about your thread being thrashed dustin, but i just felt like i needed to say that. maybe someone else felt or feels similar. but good luck to ya. it is wierd that this thread popped up because it is my 2nd anniversary since quitting this week.
I have been an ex smoker for a little over a year. The only reason I posted what I did was I care about your health and dipping or smoking will kill you. It's that simple.
I've tried Grizzly Wintergreen, got sick, haven't touched the stuff since.
Despite great efforts by my Unc when I was a wee lad and high school friends doing their best to get me to pick up the habit I did not partake. but I started working on the loading docks and got started dippin skoal wintergreen in 03' and I didnt stop til the end of 07'. It cant be good for ye, but if I had a can of Skoal wintergreen right now I believe I would have me a chaw, that being said I got a can of Grizzly wintergreen that has been sitting around for about 3 months now and I havent took the first pinch out of it. All I got to do is get a whiff of that ammonia and im like thanks but no thanks.
Despite great efforts by my Unc when I was a wee lad and high school friends doing their best to get me to pick up the habit I did not partake. but I started working on the loading docks and got started dippin skoal wintergreen in 03' and I didnt stop til the end of 07'. It cant be good for ye, but if I had a can of Skoal wintergreen right now I believe I would have me a chaw, that being said I got a can of Grizzly wintergreen that has been sitting around for about 3 months now and I havent took the first pinch out of it. All I got to do is get a whiff of that ammonia and im like thanks but no thanks.

yeah if it is 3 months old you are probably better off throwing it away.
I have been an ex smoker for a little over a year. The only reason I posted what I did was I care about your health and dipping or smoking will kill you. It's that simple.

yea i know i didnt take any offense to it. i think one day i will just say "u know wut? i dont need this"
Copenhagen, what a wad of flavor,
Copenhagen, you can see it in my smile,
Copenhagen, do yourself a favor,
Copenhagen, drives all them pretty girls wild...

Addicted to the Hagen for 15 years. If I could quit, I would....
Copenhagen, what a wad of flavor,
Copenhagen, you can see it in my smile,
Copenhagen, do yourself a favor,
Copenhagen, drives all them pretty girls wild...

Addicted to the Hagen for 15 years. If I could quit, I would....

You CAN...

Said I was going to quit when I was done with baseball, still dipping.

I don't dip near as much. Back when I was playing ball I'd go through atleast a can and 1/2 a day, possibly 2. Now that I'm not around that environment I have about a 2 can a week habit. That's still 2 cans to much and I know it.
my thoguths on the cancer deal is that any one can get cnacer.i mean u get people that get lung cancer that have never smoked and oral cancer that have never dipped. tobacco just increases the risk of u developing cancer.
my thoguths on the cancer deal is that any one can get cnacer.i mean u get people that get lung cancer that have never smoked and oral cancer that have never dipped. tobacco just increases the risk of u developing cancer.

You can get sick sharing needles, but people who never share needles get sick all the time. Sharing needles just increases the risk.

That dog won't hunt, man.
dipped Kodiak, and pretty much anything someone had when I ran out, for 18 years. have been dip-free for almost 5 years now. quit cold turkey too.

**Really surprised to not see ego and mania in here yet.**
i dip a can a day. griz straight.

at the first of this month i made it a week without a dip, but then picked the can back up. terrible mistake on my part.
i dipped skoal for four years. after it got up to 4.25 i started using grizzly. skoal/cope tends to get a little pricey after using it a while.
what a great thread other than the debbie downer who posted that pic. had my first dip in 6th grade right before fball practice. that didn't turn out good, sick as a dog that day. started dipping consistently in 8th grade. 12 yrs later i'm still at it. i've quit on 2 diff times each for at least a yr. i started off w/ kodiak(will nvr go back), i've done redseal, grizzly, t-wolf, cope, skoal, and creek. to me u can't beat a nice cold can of skoal. like the can says "always there in a pinch"

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