The Smokeless Tobacco Forum

What do you dip?

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I used to dip Kodiak. Now it's Grizzly. I actually prefer it since I've been using it for so long.
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nah, i like the cut of grizzly. skoal kinda turned into cope, the longcut was actually mid/fine cut. i like something that stays in place.
when you take a pinch of skoal out, there's still half a dip left in your mouth. when i take a pinch of grizzly out, theres nothing.

but it's almost like theres a difference in grizzly between straight and wintergreen, as far as consistency. all i know is, when i take out grizzly straight...i have nothing left but after-spit.
actually, if i had thought of 'that's what she said', i probably would've said it. i'm still too sleepy for good comebacks.
Stopped a nine year Copenhagen habit about five years ago. I went through 3-4 days of intense physical and psychological suffering followed by about six months of dipping a placebo product made form cornsilk and molases (and Lord knows what else). When I was still dipping, and when they still had a gift shop at US Tobacco, I could go the plant accross from the Farmer's Market in Nashville on a Monday afternoon and buy a can with that day's date on it and product that was still warm in the can. On certain days, when they are cooking and I am outside, that smell hits the back part of my nose and throat and I get the old craving. I'd say you are better off doing just about anything short of herion or crack (including smoking cigarettes) rather than dipping tobacco.
Copenhagen LC and thats it for me, ive going for about 5 years now and ive tried quitting about 4 times a day it seems, but its really hard, i think i finally have my motivation now with a girlfriend who doesnt know i dip and isnt a fan of it, so if things do work out with her thatd be why i quit....but damn i do love me a can of fresh cope

me and girl at a john mayer concert two years ago.

and how's your girlfriend mania? ohhhhh that's right, i forgot....sorry.
mayer is gay like u ego. ego wtf she sees in u, i have no idea. that's right ego, i don't have a gf, i'm married rem.
now I guess we gotta see if you can go 2 out of 3 and provide a shot of her "nice butt".

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