The Smokeless Tobacco Forum

What do you dip?

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original and straight are two completely different worlds. original makes me sick. just the smell of it makes me wanna throw up.

straight taste like boobs.
i cant explain the difference. straight just taste like good dip. original tastes like they've added rubbing alcohol to good dip.
original and straight are two completely different worlds. original makes me sick. just the smell of it makes me wanna throw up.

straight taste like boobs.

Boob flavored dip? :no: You've got some strange taste buds. I've dipped for 24 years and have never ran across boob flavored dip.
my friends and i used to put bandits in during class and just swallow the juice because it was so weak.
funny story, 8th grade we watched a video of child birth, u knw showing everything. ne ways me and a buddy were like its a perfect time to dip. so we put one in, they turn out the lights we spit in the floor, then here comes the video. it was so disgusting, u talking bout wanting to puke. i tossed my dip out immediately and asked to go to the restroom
funny story, 8th grade we watched a video of child birth, u knw showing everything. ne ways me and a buddy were like its a perfect time to dip. so we put one in, they turn out the lights we spit in the floor, then here comes the video. it was so disgusting, u talking bout wanting to puke. i tossed my dip out immediately and asked to go to the restroom

The Miracle of Life, or something like that. saw it too. ugh!
i used to dip bandits when i worked at the bank. you had to fill your mouth full to get any juice(no homo+that's what she said).

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