That may be true, but you probably know enough about markets to know what's what. I imagine a lot of people that don't are listening real hard to what he's saying and that hysteria is getting air time. Negativity like that can't be helping.
myrobbins, what do yall look at to decide what yall are going to buy and when. what do yall look for that makes you want to buy and when to sell. where do yall get these companies that yall buy from. could you just give me a little insight on how a day of yours works.
Well after Mr. Obama spoke tonight I was interested to see how the markets looked and the FUT. for the Dow is -35 but that comes after a strong up day, so we will see.
This week cant get over fast enough...The FUT looks horrid this AM. 7,000 on the Dow and 730 on the S&P show strong support, but with this market who knows....
688 is were we hold the line
I love it how AIG reports a $61B loss and get $30B from the government and the stock is pointed higher by 20% this morning while everything else tanks.
Another weekend goes by with no end to mark to market or the uptick rule brought back. I guess that this administration doesnt care about Americans 401k's?
I can see the mark to market not happening because it is a specific accounting change but isn't the uptick rule already in place (but not enforced)? With all the calls for more regulation the latter should be a no brainer.