The Supreme Court of the United States Thread

The biggest problem with this is the Dems are painting this picture that SCOTUS just outlawed abortion. They did no such thing. They allowed the states to make the decision. As I said previously, it is up to the constituents in each state to make their voices heard. This ruling more effectively puts the real decision in the hands of the populace, and it takes the decision away from an already overreaching government.
I was in agreement with you when this stuff leaked. Polling suggests it's so far down the list of crap people care about it's a non issue. Maybe if things were better overall it would. But polling, and predictive election results, have barely changed since the leak. Turns out people care far more about their financial well being.

Totally wierd.
Why is she ecstatic?
Does she believe the ruling will keep some women who otherwise would have had an abortion from now having one?
Fair question. She is not where I am with regards to the states' rights, constitutional aspect. It is really simple: she believes it to be murder although I do think she is less forthright when it comes to things like rape, etc., although I cannot say for sure. Nothing more complicated than that. I cannot expound on what she thinks with regards to your question.
I haven't read the court ruling, but all I've read about it is that it says there is not a constitutional right to an abortion, therefore states can ban it by legislation. That's different than saying the feds can't ban it, in fact it might make it easier for the feds to ban. I'd be interested to know if there is actually language in the ruling saying its unconstitutional for the feds to ban abortion.
I think it takes any fed involvement out of it
Is there an epidemic of incest rape in this country I'm not aware of? Maybe in Alabama
I think that’s a reasonable question to ask.

I also am interested in the pent up demand for 9 month abortions.

Are there 8.75 month pregnant mothers in Seattle now saying - “Hallelujah, we can get that “day of birth abortion now”?

We hear about “those” all the time.
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Republicans will lose votes on this issue.
I could definitely see that on the state level. I don't see that necessarily happening on the federal level, where things like the economy will be a far more prevalent issue. But I have zero doubt the Dems will try to use it to sway votes.
If any republicans had any foresight, they'd realize they just opened the doors to lose midterms and state elections.

Honestly, this was kind of the perfect time. They'll still perform just fine come midterms.

When you have such a huge majority of the country livid with the economy as we are now, you take advantage of that buffer you have to push something as draconic and egregious as this.
The biggest problem with this is the Dems are painting this picture that SCOTUS just outlawed abortion. They did no such thing. They allowed the states to make the decision. As I said previously, it is up to the constituents in each state to make their voices heard. This ruling more effectively puts the real decision in the hands of the populace, and it takes the decision away from an already overreaching government.
Telling the truth will not gin up enough rage. You must be new here.
Then it should be easy to make an amendment. Otherwise change the hearts and minds of the people of the state that you live in.

You are correct.

Between the heartland, the bible belt, and a few culturally static piss mounds, it looks like about half the states will ban abortions within the year.
The biggest problem with this is the Dems are painting this picture that SCOTUS just outlawed abortion. They did no such thing. They allowed the states to make the decision. As I said previously, it is up to the constituents in each state to make their voices heard. This ruling more effectively puts the real decision in the hands of the populace, and it takes the decision away from an already overreaching government.
It's all about drumming up fear. Hence Biden bringing up incest rape like it's a daily occurrence
Fair question. She is not where I am with regards to the states' rights, constitutional aspect. It is really simple: she believes it to be murder although I do think she is less forthright when it comes to things like rape, etc., although I cannot say for sure. Nothing more complicated than that. I cannot expound on what she thinks with regards to your question.

Same. My wife is not as passionate about this issue as I am. Where she does seem to get passionate is the abortions after the heartbeat starts.

In 2018 we both heard our oldest son’s heartbeat in the womb for the 1st time. We still talk about that to this day. That same heart is still beating strong!

We should be looking for ways to nurture our unborn, not end their lives.
I was in agreement with you when this stuff leaked. Polling suggests it's so far down the list of crap people care about it's a non issue. Maybe if things were better overall it would. But polling, and predictive election results, have barely changed since the leak. Turns out people care far more about their financial well being.

Materialism wins the day. People like to have their stuff.
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