The Supreme Court of the United States Thread

I like this decision for states rights.
I’m indifferent on abortion.
I personally am opposed too it but I’m also not my brothers keeper. If it’s deemed illegal in your state and it’s a big problem then move somewhere else.
Here I am watching the left come unglued for no good reason.

I missed where this SCOTUS decision bans abortion? Don't like your states laws...move.
It's surprising (though it shouldn't be) that people don't really understand what they've been given. Instead of being beholden to federal decrees they have little to no control over, the power has been sent back to the states. You have far more say in who winds up in your state legislature than you do on who winds up in Congress or the WH. Someone posted an article earlier where blue states are already prepared to not only uphold or constitutionally enshrine abortion, but expand who can administer one and set aside state funding to make it even easier.
No, the court sent it to the states where it can be voted on.

But what those who support life are saying is that yes, a woman does not have a right to murder her child. What she does with her body is her business, but she can’t murder her child. Just as she can’t murder her 6th month old. This isn’t hard but continue trying to find some way to justify senseless evil and murder.

A clump of cells ain't a six month old.
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Look, if you're just getting by on those bare minimums, that sucks for you. Most of us have more than the necessities.

I say your suspicions are just projections of your own views. Pro-choice has been the majority's view for several decades.

Right. In a society that is too distracted to actually think about it. Thinking critically about things can sometimes change one's perspective, yes? I've heard many arguments about the subject, but have yet to hear an argument in favor of abortion that doesn't place a priority of one life above the other. For a thinking person, that would be difficult to justify continuing to support abortion. Unless you are too busy and distracted with your own sh*t to give it a second thought. In which case, you are far more likely to accept the status quo refrain of "woman's choice!". "Hey, I'm in favor of women choosing stuff! Yeah, I'm pro-choice. Now get out of my face, I have to go to work".
Just 1% of women obtain an abortion because they became pregnant through rape, and less than 0.5% do so because of incest. Virtually 0% are performed for the health of the mother.

But let’s keep pointing to these are reasons for keep abortions even tho 99% of abortion are simply for convenience. Desperate for justification to satisfy blood lust and sex without consequences. That’s what this is about.

No sources.
Right about the time it can live outside the womb.
So minutes before birth then, the child is still just a clump of cells in your view?

Behold the evil and depravity of the pro-abortionist. And these people believe they have the moral high ground. You sound like a nazi. “Jews aren’t people.”
Ship sinking

Captain: Get off this boat! We need women and children first. All women and children, first.

People like Clearwater Vol “Hey!!! Lives are lives! Stop discriminating”

You really should head back to the kiddie table. This is way beyond your ken.

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