party line? They both suck.
ACA has cost me almost 10,000 dollars over 4 years. no politics in that. it sucks. and that 10k is the delta between what I was spending and what I spend now, so in reality I spend far more than 10k. oh yeah. I don't use it either. I had health insurance as insurance, not something that got used every day. but I chose that, and I was able to have a plan and a cost that accommodated that. ACA took that away, universal health care will further remove the care of my health from my hands. I don't want the government to tell me how to take care of my body, or how much I should spend, without getting anything back. I worked hard for what I had, to provide for myself. now I am crippled by the government in an attempt to prop up those who can't.
everything about it was terrible, planning (no conversations, You have to vote for it to see what is in it), implementations (the failed network and reoccuring issues), the tax/fine/tax forcing people to get it (how good can it be if people are forced to get it), results (fewer doctors, more paperwork, fewer providers).
nothing partisan in my beliefs that it sucks. I know it sucks from first hand experience of getting railroaded by it. I put it right up there with the Patriot Act as far as removing freedom from the American people. it was a huge overstep by the government that was designed to fail to push to single payer. I will not thank the government for screwing us over once to ensure we get screwed over again later.
Twisting someone's arm to force them to contribute is far worse than that person not contributing. And I won't speak for anyone else but ACA dried up how much money I could donate. I used to regularly give to St. Judes, several thousand a year. Now I am lucky to send them a few hundred. and all the other charities I gave to I have had to abandon. So while you enjoy access to health care there are kids who aren't getting the money they used to and should be receiving, so don't play the sanctimonious card with me.