So I gave blood on Thursday and had to do all of the paperwork and questionaire jazz. Anyways, the majority of the questions asked were "have you had sex with a man since 1977", "have you ever had sex with a partner that had sex with a man since 1977"... blah blah blah. Inside the bus, there was a sign hanging up saying essentially the samething and that you can't give blood if any of these conditions are true. Very politically incorrect, and very (very) much directed towards an anti-gay male bias. Now how can something like be so openly allowed to carry on in 2008/2009 with all of the hypersensitivity there is about alternative lifestyles?
The truth is, that the ACLU/California hippie types that run our country know the truth about how AIDS is commonly spread... Sure, you have your occasional blood transfusion that went wrong or the IV drug user. But the truth is that these guys can't come out and say that gay male sex is an activity that is highly likely to transmit the HIV/AIDS virus. And these guys can't risk a public outbreak of tainted blood fom some of these donors. Even ACLU types have car accidents or operations that will need blood from donors, and even they don't want to be infected. But if it came down to covering up this truth for say some other knd of personal or political gain, these same people would not tolerate the type of language or innuendo that was exibited on the bloodmobile.