Dear Lord. You act like you've never had a down year in your program's history. I can't wait til the cyclical nature of this game takes its course and you are down again, not because I want to see Bama fail, not because I don't respect your historic run as of late, but solely so I can see the look of sadness in the eyes of your most arrogant fans. We get it. You're a fan during a historically good period. Act like it and win with some class instead of arguing minor points about just how awesome your team is on the board of opposing fan bases.
I have no real problem with a lot of Bama fans I know personally. Hell, my best man is a Bama fan as well are a couple of my best friends, but your posts ooze with condescension and backhanded insults. Either tone it down and provide level headed discussion at least most of the time like Bamawriter for instance, or just go talk to your own fans so you can all keep patting yourselves on the back.