The U.S. Government is now the worst threat



Eternal Vol
Nov 3, 2008
to your civil liberties and its not close

These next 4 years are going to be hell on wheels for the Bill of Rights

This may end up being the catalyst that takes us back to another Civil War

Lines have been drawn and the more the leftists push hard for gun control and these ridiculous loyalty tests, the worsr its going to get

My loyalty is with the Constitution, not a political party or President

F off Biden
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Considering what the OP does (or did) for a living, you might want to take notice...
Honestly I don't really care much about that when someone starts talking civil war and didn't realize that in 2 years everything could change. Also when they don't realize that the last couple of decades have seen huge cuts in our civil liberties yet they only call out one person.
to your civil liberties and its not close

These next 4 years are going to be hell on wheels for the Bill of Rights

This may end up being the catalist that takes us back to another Civil War

Lines have been drawn and the more the leftists push hard for gun control and these ridiculous loyalty tests, the worsr its going to get

My loyalty is with the Constitition, not a political party or President

F off Biden

No punctuation. Misspelled catalyst, worse, and Constitution. That last error being the most ironic, of course.

Honestly I don't really care much about that when someone starts talking civil war and didn't realize that in 2 years everything could change. Also when they don't realize that the last couple of decades have seen huge cuts in our civil liberties yet they only call out one person.

The last several decades have seen cuts.

But if you can't see the acceleration, you're blind.
No punctuation. Misspelled catalyst, worse, and Constitution. That last error being the most ironic, of course.


You got me!

Try typing on this damn Android keyboard when with sausage fingers and you are slightly pissed about politicians playing who can come up with the most anti-Constitutional laws
The last several decades have seen cuts.

But if you can't see the acceleration, you're blind.
In these 2 weeks? This is nothing even close to W Bush levels. Trump did nothing to show it either

but yeah, f Biden. Just Biden
You got me!

Try typing on this damn Android keyboard when with sausage fingers and you are slightly pissed about politicians playing who can come up with the most anti-Constitutional laws

You mean "unconstitutional." Also, just for future reference, the general rule is that Constitution is capitalized when referring to the U.S. Constitution. State constitutions the word constitution is lower case. And when referring to federal or state constitutional rights, the C is lower case.
Honestly I don't really care much about that when someone starts talking civil war and didn't realize that in 2 years everything could change. Also when they don't realize that the last couple of decades have seen huge cuts in our civil liberties yet they only call out one person.

Sure, anything can change in 2 years, but it also could get worse

Look at California. Its continues down the same destructive path with no end in sight

That is what they want the rest of the country to look like
Sure, anything can change in 2 years, but it also could get worse

Look at California. Its continues down the same destructive path with no end in sight

That is what they want the rest of the country to look like
Seriously, this is volgolfer or Justin level insight
In these 2 weeks? This is nothing even close to W Bush levels. Trump did nothing to show it either

but yeah, f Biden. Just Biden

Bruh, please. This crap has been building since election day. And the left is getting even more emboldened by trying to shut down anyone who doesn't think their way.

Just January alone should have been sending out warning tones in your head loud enough to hear on Pluto.
Bruh, please. This crap has been building since election day. And the left is getting even more emboldened by trying to shut down anyone who doesn't think their way.

Just January alone should have been sending out warning tones in your head loud enough to hear on Pluto.
What has Biden ordered more damaging than the patriot act? What did the last admin do to help stave off this threat?
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What did the last admin do to help stave off this threat?

Exposing the deep corruption at the highest levels in our federal government? Not hinted at, but shown for the world to see.

Didn't stave it off, but he certainly exposed it far more than any other President in modern history.
And one thing about it, PJ, this goes way beyond Biden. But if there is one person who could make the majority of this dangerous rhetoric from the left come to a screeching halt, it's Biden.

His silence is tacit permission for it to not only continue, but get worse since he has the media and tech backing him up.
You mean "unconstitutional." Also, just for future reference, the general rule is that Constitution is capitalized when referring to the U.S. Constitution. State constitutions the word constitution is lower case. And when referring to federal or state constitutional rights, the C is lower case.

Besides attacking grammar and spelling, do you have anything else to add to the conversation?

Like whether what I said was true or not?

Or is it just in our imagination that the left is in full assault mode?

Keep in mind, that your side stood back and watched cities burn but attack a whole group based on the Capital incident
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What has Biden ordered more damaging than the patriot act? What did the last admin do to help stave off this threat?

You know Biden took credit for writting the Patriot Act

"I introduced the terrorism bill in '94 that had a lot of these things in it," Biden again said.
"The devil's in the details. For example, you talked about the Internet. We can get a (inaudible), we can go now, if you are in the mob, and we can find out who you called -- not the content of the conversation."
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You know Biden took credit for writting the Patriot Act

"I introduced the terrorism bill in '94 that had a lot of these things in it," Biden again said.
"The devil's in the details. For example, you talked about the Internet. We can get a (inaudible), we can go now, if you are in the mob, and we can find out who you called -- not the content of the conversation."
He didn't sign it into law so the question still stands. See, I believe they're all bad while you just believe the other team is bad. Partisan blinders will cause the end
Exposing the deep corruption at the highest levels in our federal government? Not hinted at, but shown for the world to see.

Didn't stave it off, but he certainly exposed it far more than any other President in modern history.
We didnt need Trump to show the corruption. Anyone paying attention saw it before.

And instead of treating it like a real issue and dealing with it, Trump just blubbered like a child. And like a child throwing a tantrum, that got many adults to ignore him and the issue he cried about.

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