The U.S. Government is now the worst threat

When you place all the guns and decision making power in the hands of a few and then tell them to limit themselves, the outcome is the current state of this country. If the constitution worked, what would we fear of an out of control government? Shouldn’t that document’s text prevent anything unlawful from the federal government from being put in place? Rhetorical question.

It’s why they’re making a huge deal out of the capitol protest. It’s our job to make them feel uncomfortable and they don’t like it.
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I don't think there has been any president that ended his term with a less powerful federal government than he inherited.
One obvious step in "returning to the constitution" would be for Congress to stop delegating so much power to the Executive Branch.
You are the one who said "is now the worst threat" in the freaking thread title. If you meant to say it's always been this way but it's worse in recent years, then you should/would have said that.


If your headache was bad yesterday but worse today, its the worst that it has been

Worst is the appropriate word to describe the current situation
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The sudden outrage over <insert nothing new> is too funny.

Since the right took morality and fiscal conservatism off of the fear mongering menu, maybe they think civil liberties is a place where they can take up the torch.

But as @n_huffhines pointed out, the same folks clutching their pearls are ignoring that their idol just appointed the fu*king author of the patriot act to the SCOTUS. Maybe you guys ought to clean up your own house before complaining about someone's else's being messy.

If your headache was bad yesterday but worse today, its the worst that it has been

Worst is the appropriate word to describe the current situation

It's very debatable whether or not this is the worst it's ever been. The government institutionalized slavery, so I would say that's probably the worst it's ever been.

But that's not what you said. You said the government is now the worst threat, meaning something else was recently the worst threat. English, bro. Learn it.
You're still trying to make it about Biden when it's clearly both sides.

Yes, its both sides
But Bidens in the drivers set of this bus now and he is headed for the cliff with no intentions of braking or turning the wheel

But, he is also being manipulated by a portion of the party that couldn't get Kams the nomination, so they put her in through the back door
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It's very debatable whether or not this is the worst it's ever been. The government institutionalized slavery, so I would say that's probably the worst it's ever been.

But that's not what you said. You said the government is now the worst threat, meaning something else was recently the worst threat. English, bro. Learn it.

It also ended it

Too bad Lincoln was such a racist that his statue has to be torn down
We didnt need Trump to show the corruption. Anyone paying attention saw it before.

And instead of treating it like a real issue and dealing with it, Trump just blubbered like a child. And like a child throwing a tantrum, that got many adults to ignore him and the issue he cried about.

The issue is that the cia,fbi is as bad as our leftist pols, that's probably the scariest realization of trumps administration
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Lol. I have no problem holding the media accountable when they make false claims. I have no problem with protesters being removed. Sorry your TDS is still full blown. 🤣😂

The media is nothing more than a mouthpiece for the left

Tim Poole, who is a liberal, says this often.

Its why the Dems want so much to control the content on the web and Social media platforms. Anything that doesn't fit their narrative is labeled hate speech or flagged and removed by "fact checkers"

I laugh when they claim to be the resistance. You aren't the resistance when you control the media and how its distributed. You are the establishment
Lol. I have no problem holding the media accountable when they make false claims. I have no problem with protesters being removed. Sorry your TDS is still full blown. 🤣😂

Go back and re-read the examples I cited, your boy wanted to end 1A protections in one case and trampled them in another - but yes, as you astutely pointed out, it's just the left.


You're a caricature of a trumper. Me pointing out these fresh af examples destroy your premise and would normally cause a rational person to think critically about doubling down. Fortunately, we can all count on you to deflect and redirect while proving me right.

Lastly and for the record - I have gleefully admitted to having TDS and will always have TDS. Hell, I'm proud of it and I will never let you bozos forget the piece of subhuman trash you supported.
Yes, its both sides
But Bidens in the drivers set of this bus now and he is headed for the cliff with no intentions of braking or turning the wheel

But, he is also being manipulated by a portion of the party that couldn't get Kams the nomination, so they put her in through the back door

The civil war years and the 5-10 years after were the worst years. Second would be the WWII years.
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The media is nothing more than a mouthpiece for the left

Tim Poole, who is a liberal, says this often.

Its why the Dems want so much to control the content on the web and Social media platforms. Anything that doesn't fit their narrative is labeled hate speech or flagged and removed by "fact checkers"

I laugh when they claim to be the resistance. You aren't the resistance when you control the media and how its distributed. You are the establishment

I'd hate the boogeyman too if it kept calling me out on my BS. When you have Qanon freaks running your party, you get what you deserve.

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