The U.S. Government is now the worst threat

If it were up to me, the Trumpers would have to were the Maga hat in public forever. It's important for the rational, intelligent folks to be able to recognize the intellectually challenged so we can help them make sense in a world that consists of multiple syllables and numbers higher than ten.
Whataboutisms, Trump lives in your bald head.
Our politicians and their donors are a major problem. They serve each other while we get scraps (when it’s election season). We’re kept at bay because we’re divided by political affiliation.

Until we realize both democrat and republican politicians are not on our side, we’re going to keep getting screwed by our government.
We didnt need Trump to show the corruption. Anyone paying attention saw it before.

And instead of treating it like a real issue and dealing with it, Trump just blubbered like a child. And like a child throwing a tantrum, that got many adults to ignore him and the issue he cried about.
Did you support the first impeachment? You know the one thay called for 17 minutes after he took office. How about schiff.? You know the one talking up on msdnc etc. all the evidence he had against Trump while testifying under oath in private that he had none. Remember aldrich ames(convicted russian agent)? Recruited john brennan, who voted for gus hall (cpusa candidate)for pesident. there is a reason the communist party since 1984 has urged supporters to vote democratic. Hard to tell the CPUSA website from the DNC website. Check it out. Do you need me to post references?
Did you support the first impeachment? You know the one thay called for 17 minutes after he took office. How about schiff.? You know the one talking up on msdnc etc. all the evidence he had against Trump while testifying under oath in private that he had none. Remember aldrich ames(convicted russian agent)? Recruited john brennan, who voted for gus hall (cpusa candidate)for pesident. there is a reason the communist party since 1984 has urged supporters to vote democratic. Hard to tell the CPUSA website from the DNC website. Check it out. Do you need me to post references?
No, I didnt support any of the impeachment attempts.

I am a never Trumper. Trump was just the next president to be the worst president ever. This time we only had to wait 4 years instead of 8 to next the next worst ever.

Doesnt mean he didnt do any good, or only did wrong. Just overall I think he is the worst president to complete a term.

I have been trying to read the COOP bill. Because there is some shady stuff in there, that a click bait article made seem worse. It may be Trumps patriot act or ACA.
No, I didnt support any of the impeachment attempts.

I am a never Trumper. Trump was just the next president to be the worst president ever. This time we only had to wait 4 years instead of 8 to next the next worst ever.

Doesnt mean he didnt do any good, or only did wrong. Just overall I think he is the worst president to complete a term.

I have been trying to read the COOP bill. Because there is some shady stuff in there, that a click bait article made seem worse. It may be Trumps patriot act or ACA.
Not familiar with it. What co op are you referring to?
There has been nothing more damaging in modern America to civil liberties than the war on drugs, but it's largely happened to the poor and people of color so the damage is largely ignored. Meanwhile, I'm not exactly sure what Biden, specifically, will take away in terms of my civil liberties, but that is generic fear I hear under every administration, particularly when a Democrat takes change. Yet, my life is pretty much unchanged, as are my "rights", even when it was Clinton or Obama in charge, and I'll suspect the same for Biden.

I'll also say we are living in times with much greater levels of civil liberties than in the past, especially for groups on the margins, like gay folks, black people, women and so on. Of course, ever since I can remember, it's been fashionable to say all is going to hell and America will be destroyed by so and so or some particular group or idea. Yet, here we are, surviving quite fine.
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Not familiar with it. What co op are you referring to?
It's the Continuation of Operation Plan. Article claimed a whole bunch of bs, but there is enough in what I have read to be scary.

Biggest thing I have found is that the IRS and collecting taxes is the highest tier of "operations" that must resume within 12 hours of a government stopping event, including natural disasters. FEMA and some of the other support programs are far down the list. Basically their plan to restore the nation is: start taxing again, rebuild the beuaracy of the government back first, and then maybe if they "can support it" all the other stuff.
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Whataboutisms, Trump lives in your bald head.

You're clearly running out of comebacks, I didn't 'whatabout' at all. Having to recycle bad retorts that aren't even applicable is about what is expected from you. Good job bud.
You're clearly running out of comebacks, I didn't 'whatabout' at all. Having to recycle bad retorts that aren't even applicable is about what is expected from you. Good job bud.

Have you moved on from me that quickly?

Do I mean nothing to you now?
No, I didnt support any of the impeachment attempts.

I am a never Trumper. Trump was just the next president to be the worst president ever. This time we only had to wait 4 years instead of 8 to next the next worst ever.

Doesnt mean he didnt do any good, or only did wrong. Just overall I think he is the worst president to complete a term.

I have been trying to read the COOP bill. Because there is some shady stuff in there, that a click bait article made seem worse. It may be Trumps patriot act or ACA.
What makes him the worst president?
The US government has almost always been the greatest threat to domestic civil liberties. This is nothing new.
You are correct sir. What people are ignoring is the extreme left and the extreme right were both born out of the same issue--Government abuse of power . The extremes from both sides are bringing moderates from both sides and the problems are only going to get larger. The day both sides decide to focus on the same issue will be a very interesting time.
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Exigency on steroids... let's hear it from the cop apologists in here. There's no way our good, American, standing for the flag police would ever abuse this...

Supreme Court To Decide Whether Police Can Enter Homes Without Warrant To Seize Guns | ZeroHedge

The Supreme Court previously held that there is a community caretaking exception since police perform "community caretaking functions, totally divorced from the detection, investigation, or acquisition of evidence relating to the violation of a criminal statute," and that police activity conducted under this exception don't violate the Fourth Amendment as long as they are done in a "reasonable" manner.

Notably, the community caretaking exception isn't limited to immediate emergencies like the first two exceptions.
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to your civil liberties and its not close

These next 4 years are going to be hell on wheels for the Bill of Rights

This may end up being the catalyst that takes us back to another Civil War

Lines have been drawn and the more the leftists push hard for gun control and these ridiculous loyalty tests, the worsr its going to get

My loyalty is with the Constitution, not a political party or President

F off Biden

We saw the Capitol filled with traitors attacking our Constitution with the belief that they were betraying the Constitution to support the Constitution.
Just wait until Sniffer Joe makes it so that you have to have a certificate of vaccination to cross state lines. It’s coming.......
And don’t even THINK of calling someone by the wrong pronoun Mister (or Ms or Xie, or Xs, or XR, or whatever you are using today)
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What is it, 8 trillion dollars of deficit? 4 of that in one year alone.
So you are a fiscal hawk now? You gonna throw down on Xiden for losing jobs and increasing the deficit? I have news for you, this is all about a corrupt congress, and not Donald Trump or Bejing Biden.
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