The U.S. Government is now the worst threat

Go back and re-read the examples I cited, your boy wanted to end 1A protections in one case and trampled them in another - but yes, as you astutely pointed out, it's just the left.


You're a caricature of a trumper. Me pointing out these fresh af examples destroy your premise and would normally cause a rational person to think critically about doubling down. Fortunately, we can all count on you to deflect and redirect while proving me right.

Lastly and for the record - I have gleefully admitted to having TDS and will always have TDS. Hell, I'm proud of it and I will never let you bozos forget the piece of subhuman trash you supported.

What a hack
Septic's a hack

I don't think you realize how little of an effect your "hackusations" have on me.

I feel like that pejorative is about as bighting as calling me a scallywag or a rascal.

Noticeably, it's your go to retort when you really want to say something, but realize that I'm right.
You got me!

Try typing on this damn Android keyboard when with sausage fingers and you are slightly pissed about politicians playing who can come up with the most anti-Constitutional laws

Says a lot about someone considering the seriousness of your points and all he has to address is your spelling and capitalization.

EDit: Just saw your post
Says a lot about someone considering the seriousness of your points and all he has to address is your spelling and capitalization.

EDit: Just saw your post

He will bring good points to a conversation when he needs to

Most people in here will. I think its healthy to see all points of view

Most probably think Im a Trump fan. Im a fan of no man. Trump, to me, was a middle finger to the Washington establishment. Nothing else

Anything that gets their panties in knots makes me happy
The same people trying to erase Lincoln from history are the ones voting for the likes of Biden

Its the monster they created and continue to feed

This thread is about the government being a threat to civil liberties. It's not about the PC police. BTW, Lincoln may have issued the emancipation proclamation but aside from that, he crushed civil liberties.
In these 2 weeks? This is nothing even close to W Bush levels. Trump did nothing to show it either

but yeah, f Biden. Just Biden
Not just Xiden.... the CommieSlut in waiting too. The most heinous despicable person to ever hold high office and it isn't close.
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He will bring good points to a conversation when he needs to

Most people in here will. I think its healthy to see all points of view

Most probably think Im a Trump fan. Im a fan of no man. Trump, to me, was a middle finger to the Washington establishment. Nothing else

Anything that gets their panties in knots makes me happy

I have rarely if ever seen it. Constant starts of threads about Trump being a dictator or such hyperbole, being a Russian agent, and such. Certainly others fit that charcatarization better.

If anything Trump could be considered a Dem light on certain policies but not to the extent of the progressive movement. They are considered "progressive" for a reason and conservatives supported Trump not beacuse he was necessarily a conservative, but for being a nationalist. This is globalism vs nationalism IMO.
This thread is about the government being a threat to civil liberties. It's not about the PC police. BTW, Lincoln may have issued the emancipation proclamation but aside from that, he crushed civil liberties.

The government would not be a threat if the voters chose their representatives wisely

Most just look for the D or R and push that button

The voters are complicit in this mess

The PC police don't normally vote anywhere in the area of that R button
We didnt need Trump to show the corruption. Anyone paying attention saw it before.

And instead of treating it like a real issue and dealing with it, Trump just blubbered like a child. And like a child throwing a tantrum, that got many adults to ignore him and the issue he cried about.


However, I don't think most Americans really knew how far and widespread the rot is.
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So now you agree that Trump was racist because he was largely silent about it and that was tacit approval?

Well, he wasn't silent about it. But you go on believing the narrative you were fed for so many years.
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Whatever his profession is, he's admitting he finally woke up in the last month or two and "now" realized the government is the biggest threat to our civil liberties. This has been mostly true for all governments for all time. It's definitely been true of our government for at least my entire lifetime.

Takes longer for some, Huff. Of course, you still are in denial you're a raging liberal, so it'll come to you eventually.
One obvious step in "returning to the constitution" would be for Congress to stop delegating so much power to the Executive Branch.
The only step that will really resolve the issues are if we return to begrudging representation. There was a time when our government representatives took time away from their businesses to serve the country and they approached the task that way. Now it has become a profession in and of itself that builds dynasties and enriches entire extended families at the people's expense. It's time they fear the people again...... Not the other way around.
I just want to say, and I've been drinking, all politicians are ****. Joe Biden, Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, are all horrible candidates. We can do much better. Question is why are we not? I'm just sick of these career idiots being elected.
Then you should understand that no one should control your life but you. The only laws should be as simple as we all learned in kindergarten; don’t hit people and don’t take their stuff.
I'd hate the boogeyman too if it kept calling me out on my BS. When you have Qanon freaks running your party, you get what you deserve.
I don't mind the media calling out bs, that's their job. The problem is they've decided at some point that they would only do their traditional job arbitrarily based on political affiliation.
What has Biden ordered more damaging than the patriot act? What did the last admin do to help stave off this threat?

Congress writes and passes legislation. Bush may have signed it, and he may have pushed for it, but the legislation is on the hands of those in congress at the time.
More like courts who value it

More like the courts reinterpret and devalue the Constitution. The courts have no accountability - there is no challenge for a SC decision, and the members are there for life once appointed.
It's up to us to hold the courts accountable, they are a part of the government.

How? There is no recourse. The judicial branch ending in the SC is the closest thing we have to a true dictatorship. The judiciary can overturn rulings made by the other two branches and remain untouchable in doing so.
How? There is no recourse. The judicial branch ending in the SC is the closest thing we have to a true dictatorship. The judiciary can overturn rulings made by the other two branches and remain untouchable in doing so.

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