Slick Selling Jesus
“Thank you Clothman,” the smooth voice said over the phone. “You will receive your free computer learning CD in a week – along with two other related videos that we know you will help you…”
“Wait. Two more videos; are they free too?”
“No Clothman, we just ask you to try them out and if you’re not completely satisfied then simply return them within 30 days at no charge. Then, every three months we will send you another video for you to review…”
“What, another video every three months? Your ad said one free CD and if I liked it then I, as in me, could order more. Ma’am, you’re squeezing me like the IRS in April.”
“Clothman we’re totally confident that you’ll love all of our products. Now, I just need your credit card number to cover the shipping and handling fees for your free CD.”
Yikes! It drives me nuts when people aren’t honest about what they’re really up to? Not too long ago I was reminded that the business world is not the only place you’ll find such tactics.
After his lengthy sermon the evangelist concluded with these words, “Now with every head bowed and every eye closed I want to ask you a very personal question, ‘Are you ready to stop living in fear and give your life to Jesus?’ If so, I’m going to ask you to just slip your hand up so I can see it, I want to pray for you. Nobody’s looking around; this is just between you and me.”
Not all heads were bowed or eyes closed. Yes, I confess I was looking around. That’s how I saw a few timid hands go up in the air, each of which the evangelist acknowledge.
“Those who raised your hand,” the evangelist continued, “I’m going to ask you to stand up right where you are. I know this is scary but it is simply taking a stand for Jesus – the one who publicly died for you.” Most of the people who raised their hand reluctantly stood while everyone else raised their heads and opened their eyes.
After a few more words the evangelist closed his sale. “Now, I’m going to ask all of you who are standing to do one more brave thing – please come up front so I can pray with you. In Matthew 10:32-33 Jesus said, ‘Whoever acknowledges me before men, I will also acknowledge before my Father in heaven. But whoever disowns me before men, I will disown him before my Father in heaven.’ If you come forward and acknowledge Jesus as your savior, he will acknowledge you before God in heaven.” (The assumption being that if you don’t come forward God will banish you from heaven - so much for leaving a life of fear.)
I’m certain this evangelist meant well and was trying to do God’s will; but in addition to taking the Bible terribly out of context, he was marketing Jesus with the guilt and manipulation techniques of high pressure sales.
It was time for me to leave, but as I walked out I prayed a blessing for those who went forward that night because bad things can happen to the good news when it is sold like a computer learning CD.