The very stable genius had to be sequestered from nukes



Senior Member
Aug 8, 2005
Woodward/Costa book: Worried Trump could 'go rogue,' Milley took secret action to protect nuclear weapons - CNNPolitics

General Milley met with top military brass and, convinced that Trump had completely lost it, ordered them not to let Trump do something nutty.

"You never know what a president's trigger point is," Milley told his senior staff, according to the book.
In response, Milley took extraordinary action, and called a secret meeting in his Pentagon office on January 8 to review the process for military action, including launching nuclear weapons. Speaking to senior military officials in charge of the National Military Command Center, the Pentagon's war room, Milley instructed them not to take orders from anyone unless he was involved.
"No matter what you are told, you do the procedure. You do the process. And I'm part of that procedure," Milley told the officers, according to the book. He then went around the room, looked each officer in the eye, and asked them to verbally confirm they understood.
"Got it?" Milley asked, according to the book.
"Yes, sir."
'Milley considered it an oath,' the authors write.

Got to keep Trump out of the WH in 2024, for the sake of the World and humanity.
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Woodward/Costa book: Worried Trump could 'go rogue,' Milley took secret action to protect nuclear weapons - CNNPolitics

General Milley met with top military brass and, convinced that Trump had completely lost it, ordered them not to let Trump do something nutty.

Got to keep Trump out of the WH in 2024, for the sake of the World and humanity.
So I am sure you are fine if he thinks Biden is mentally unfit and does this to him tomorrow. I mean we should all love an unelected military general deciding who is running the country. Oh and he essentially chose himself. Even better. This is banana republic type shat and you are cool with it. This is absurd
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I'm shocked LG would start a thread celebrating a Sr Military officer potentially committing a serious crime.

All he told them was not to deviate from the program, not to let Trump bully them into something dumb with nukes (or otherwise, really).
So I am sure you are fine if he thinks Biden is mentally unfit and does this to him tomorrow. I mean we should all love an unelected military general deciding who is running the country. Oh and he essentially chose himself. Even better. This banana republic time shat and you are cool with it. This is absurd

Biden has shown no signs of losing it and wanting to nuke someone just because he's pi$$ed off at the world and his ego can't handle it.
Biden has shown no signs of losing it and wanting to nuke someone just because he's pi$$ed off at the world and his ego can't handle it.
When did Trump show signs of wanting to nuke someone? And Biden often shows signs of having lost his mental faculties. When did this General get approval to do such things? Where does he have such authority granted to him? You want to live in a military junta as long as they have your best interest at heart.
All he told them was not to deviate from the program, not to let Trump bully them into something dumb with nukes (or otherwise, really).

Who was Trump going to nuke? He loves the Russians and the Chinese manufacture just about all of our junk. He was becoming BFFs with Kim Jong-Un.
Woodward/Costa book: Worried Trump could 'go rogue,' Milley took secret action to protect nuclear weapons - CNNPolitics

General Milley met with top military brass and, convinced that Trump had completely lost it, ordered them not to let Trump do something nutty.

Got to keep Trump out of the WH in 2024, for the sake of the World and humanity.

Omitted from the book:
"After Milley looked each officer in the eye and asked them to verbally confirm they understood, each officer rolled their eyes in succession once outside of Milley's peripheral vision after he moved on to the next person".
When did Trump show signs of wanting to nuke someone? And Biden often shows signs of having lost his mental faculties. When did this General get approval to do such things? Where does he have such authority granted to him? You want to live in a military junta as long as they have your best interest at heart.
I remember when Biden was Reagan and we got constant media references about his age and frail mental acuity and his intentional or accidental launching of nukes.
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Biden has shown no signs of losing it and wanting to nuke someone just because he's pi$$ed off at the world and his ego can't handle it.
He can't nuke Afghanistan until all the Americans are out. Bad PR move.
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