The very stable genius had to be sequestered from nukes

No offense, but unless you’re a former general, Milley has a teentsy bit more experience in this domain than you and was consulting with roughly a dozen other experienced people, that we know of, while communicating with someone with whom he has a professional relationship. And we know how it worked out. This is like armchair quarterbacking Peyton’s performance in a game that he won. I don’t get it.

Meanwhile, @Weezer didn’t read the story… again.
It's not that I didn't read the story, it's that I didn't believe the story. I'm not buying the narrative being presented. No one, not even the Chinese, honestly thought nukes were on the table. LG is peddling fear porn and I'm not buying.
That's a legitimate point. I can see how some would feel that way.

Me, personally, I think he did it because he absolutely positively never wants to see Trump in that office again. He witnessed first hand what a debacle Trump was.

If it looks like Trump has a prayer in 2024, have a feeling you will see a lot of folks making the decision that it's so important to keep Trump out of the White House that they'll make the decision to risk career rather than let it happen.

Fine, I can see how a person would be so concerned but just be a man about it and stop hiding behind anonymity.
Fine, I can see how a person would be so concerned but just be a man about it and stop hiding behind anonymity.

Milley was not anonymous. Bolton has not been anonymous. Others have gone on the record about what a sh#t show Trump was in there.

And as I say I think you'll see more of that if it in '24 Trump has a chance to win again.
Milley was not anonymous. Bolton has not been anonymous. Others have gone on the record about what a sh#t show Trump was in there.

And as I say I think you'll see more of that if it in '24 Trump has a chance to win again.
Oh so Bolton is credible again? Just trying to see where the pendulum is on him today
Milley was not anonymous. Bolton has not been anonymous. Others have gone on the record about what a sh#t show Trump was in there.

And as I say I think you'll see more of that if it in '24 Trump has a chance to win again.

Miley and Bolton were anonymously leaking to the press, Miley has admitted to it.

If Trump decides to run in '24 it will be Katie bar the door on anonymous sources and sensational stories.
Oh so Bolton is credible again? Just trying to see where the pendulum is on him today

No, but the fact that you know he'd bend over backwards to help out a Republican if he possibly could tells you that when he bashes Trump, its for good reason.
He'll back anyone who will bomb somebody


Yay Trump because he was against military action. Boo Bolton because he is in favor of military action. Boo Biden because he is also against military action.


Yay Trump because he was against military action. Boo Bolton because he is in favor of military action. Boo Biden because he is also against military action.

I've booed Biden for that? Link?

Although Biden was part on the Obama admin who loved bombing people
It's not that I didn't read the story, it's that I didn't believe the story. I'm not buying the narrative being presented. No one, not even the Chinese, honestly thought nukes were on the table. LG is peddling fear porn and I'm not buying.
That wasn’t the story. Nice try though.
It is what LG was saying. Nice try yourself.
That why you’ve made more posts re: Trump nuking China than he has?

Weezer: [reads only the thread title]
Also Weezer: I now have a fully formed opinion on this subject!

That why you’ve made more posts re: Trump nuking China than he has?

Weezer: [reads only the thread title]
Also Weezer: I now have a fully formed opinion on this subject!

The post you referenced was a direct response to a post by LG. Nice try at deflecting.
The post you referenced was a direct response to a post by LG. Nice try at deflecting.

The post by LG where he tried to explain to you that your other unsolicited posts got the story wrong, or was I referring to one of the posts that made it obvious that you got the story wrong? 😂

What exactly am I deflecting from?
The post by LG where he tried to explain to you that your other unsolicited posts got the story wrong, or was I referring to one of the posts that made it obvious that you got the story wrong? 😂

What exactly am I deflecting from?
The post where LG said the Chinese believed we might use nukes.

I'm sorry you have such trouble reading.
The post where LG said the Chinese believed we might use nukes.

I'm sorry you have such trouble reading.

So I was referring to that post and not one of your other posts doubting that Trump wanted to use nukes on the Chinese (which nobody was discussing at that point)? Good to know.

Let’s just say I’m more than a little skeptical that anyone would knowingly and repeatedly instigate an argument over the delta in rationality between Chinese concerns over an unprovoked nuking and an unprovoked conventional weapons attack as a desperate attempt to maintain power.

I mean, what do you even gain from that? Congratulations, you win. I concede that no foreign government would believe your boy is maximally crazy, but it’s still ok for them to assume he’s solidly within insane dictator territory.
So I was referring to that post and not one of your other posts doubting that Trump wanted to use nukes on the Chinese (which nobody was discussing at that point)? Good to know.

Let’s just say I’m more than a little skeptical that anyone would knowingly and repeatedly instigate an argument over the delta in rationality between Chinese concerns over an unprovoked nuking and an unprovoked conventional weapons attack as a desperate attempt to maintain power.

I mean, what do you even gain from that? Congratulations, you win. I concede that no foreign government would believe your boy is maximally crazy, but it’s still ok for them to assume he’s solidly within insane dictator territory.
lmao. Being an arrogant doesn't win you the internet anymore than it won Trump Twitter. Trump is not my "boy". He's a POS human being. But I don't see the need to exaggerate about him like those of you on the left do. He never hid his arrogance and I think it's fair game to criticize that, but to claim egotism equates to insanity is absurd.
lmao. Being an arrogant twat doesn't win you the internet anymore than it won Trump Twitter. Trump is not my "boy". He's a POS human being. But I don't see the need to exaggerate about him like those of you on the left do. He never hid his arrogance and I think it's fair game to criticize that, but to claim egotism equates to insanity is absurd.

This would all be so much more convincing if you hadn’t failed to look and see what it was that was being said before deciding it was an exaggeration (for the second time in a week). 😂
This would all be so much more convincing if you hadn’t failed to look and see what it was that was being said before deciding it was an exaggeration (for the second time in a week). 😂

So LG didn't say China thought Trump might nuke them?

You don't get it.

The issue wasn't whether he ACTUALLY WOULD nuke China. The issue is that, right or wrong, they THOUGHT he was going to. They might have struck first or misread something and caused calamity. That is why Milley called them to reassure them their intelligence was wrong.

That was an exaggeration on my part?
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