The highway men were quick villains turned assets. I knew it when he tossed him down the elevator shaft the guy wasn't dead. Daryl couldn't have put a finishing arrow into his head just to make sure?
Remove TWD and insert half the action and all the horror movies ever made.
The Highway men scene reminded me of something I might see in a Mel Brooks movie but it did make me smile.
Beta being shoved down a shaft and Daryl not confirming that he was actually dead reminded me of something I might see in some cheesy horror film also. Not sure how far he dropped, but getting up and shaking it off reminded me of a Halloween movie.
Henry is now up there (along with Dale & Lori) with characters I really wish would be killed off.
So out of the 10 deaths 3 were fairly significant.
Highway man, red headed guy with beard(?), highway man, Frankie(red haired girl), Old lady that adopted the baby, Rodney(teen boy), Addy(teen girl with glasses), Enid, Tara, Henry.
Enid, Tara, and Henry is quite significant.
Most of that episode was meh.... the end was quite the twist. Apparently it happened in the comics although different people.
Glad they are FINALLY showing winter in the show. That has been a severely missing scenario on the show since it started. Georgia winters maybe not so harsh but Virginia/DC area can get dumped on by snow almost every year.
Tara was a useless character.
Surprised she even lasted that long in the show.
The more I’ve thought about it the more I’ve wondered how they were able to abduct all those people with no one noticing. No struggle or anything.
You know Henry isn't their kid right? They just "adopted" him as theirs.The more I think about this, I actually agree. Enid honestly was the biggest loss only because she's cute.
Henry was just truly stupid. He was no true child of Carol's because Carol would have done a lot better than that. Maybe we can blame Ezekiel for that mistake?