The war against Humanity in Holland.



Danneskjöld's love child.
Oct 2, 2010

I can't emphasize how important this story is for everyone. It is barely getting the attention it deserves. Anyone who is involved with agriculture or sustainability should watch. Frankly anyone who eats or plans on eating should watch too. Ukraine, Balloons, drones all distractions THIS is the dialogue we need to have before it is too late. What is happening to Dutch farmers is the test bed for globalist plan for the entire world. The price of not waking up, is seeing your family and families throughout the world go through a global Holodomor.
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I can't emphasize how important this story is for everyone. It is barely getting the attention it deserves. Anyone who is involved with agriculture or sustainability should watch. Frankly anyone who eats or plans on eating should watch too. Ukraine, Balloons, drones all distractions THIS is the dialogue we need to have before it is too late. What is happening to Dutch farmers is the test bed for globalist plan for the entire world. The price of not waking up, is seeing your family and families throughout the world go through a global Holodomor.

But we have real problems right here, problems like drag shows.
But we have real problems right here, problems like drag shows.
Targeting of our children by sexual predators is a real problem. However the planned destruction of nitrogen supply lines, and man made globalist famine in order to force humanity to accept world government, surveillance cities, and use food rationing to control humanity in a state of bondage neo serfdom with an iron fist is a greater problem. The former is just a means of weakening our ability to resist the latter. This also isn't some distant dystopia. The Nitrogen crisis which is completely politically manufactured, could come ahead next year or teh year after...when it does this other stuff won't seem so important. This is the most evil thing I have seen in my lifetime. The danger can not be overstated. No ones political party should matter to this point, no ones sexual orientation should matter to this point. Do you want to be free and eat, or starve and submit?
The situation is Holland is concerning. ...for the Dutch. It isn't the test bed for a global approach. It is perfectly fine to call a situation out without magnifying it into a worldwide cause for alarm.
The situation is Holland is concerning. ...for the Dutch. It isn't the test bed for a global approach. It is perfectly fine to call a situation out without magnifying it into a worldwide cause for alarm.

I think it's more of a test bed than you want to realize.
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I've spent a few weeks in Holland and it is heavily agricultural. The cities that exist are usually very densely populated. Trying to shut down farming in the name of "climate change" in Holland is the stupidest thing I have ever heard of in my life.
I'm a kook then.

I mean it is hard to believe governments want control over their populations.

Try this on for size, take it for a spin around the block.

You and have agreed previously society is tenuously stable. In fact, we've agreed society is 3 days without food from anarchy. If government wants control over populations, isn't this approach (which limits food) the riskiest possible way to achieve their goal?
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Try this on for size, take it for a spin around the block.

You and have agreed previously society is tenuously stable. In fact, we've agreed society is 3 days without food from anarchy. If government wants control over populations, isn't this approach (which limits food) the riskiest possible way to achieve their goal?

I think the idea would be if it breaks "they" are the ones that get to fix it. I've put it on here several times but your question made me think of this:

“In the end they will lay their freedom at our feet and say to us, Make us your slaves, but feed us.”
― Fyodor Dostoevsky, The Grand Inquisitor
I think the idea would be if it breaks "they" are the ones that get to fix it. I've put it on here several times but your question made me think of this:

“In the end they will lay their freedom at our feet and say to us, Make us your slaves, but feed us.”
― Fyodor Dostoevsky, The Grand Inquisitor
Ok. Let's advance your premise. Holland is a test bed for global control. Control gained by lack of food. So, how are the governments across the world going to grow the food needed to maintain control now that the farmers are unable to farm efficiently?
Try this on for size, take it for a spin around the block.

You and have agreed previously society is tenuously stable. In fact, we've agreed society is 3 days without food from anarchy. If government wants control over populations, isn't this approach (which limits food) the riskiest possible way to achieve their goal?

I agree with all of that but they won't be going hungry anytime soon. The government wants control over food production and distribution and where better to start than an unarmed small country?
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Ok. Let's advance your premise. Holland is a test bed for global control. Control gained by lack of food. So, how are the governments across the world going to grow the food needed to maintain control now that the farmers are unable to farm efficiently?

Not a lack of food, it's who distributes the food.
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Ok. Let's advance your premise. Holland is a test bed for global control. Control gained by lack of food. So, how are the governments across the world going to grow the food needed to maintain control now that the farmers are unable to farm efficiently?

Sorry for the confusion, I didn't mean I personally have put any thought into the this "test bed" scenario. I was just using that quote as I think it's the sort of mechanism that has led massive amounts of people throughout history to fall back on the idea that benevolent overlords that know what's best for us should hold the power. You know..."for the greater good".

Having said that if I had to spit out a quick answer off the cuff it would be once sufficient control is reached they bring back food production however they see fit. Or they just bring in the Logan's Run system and keep population in check so concerns about food production don't matter as much.
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Not a lack of food, it's who distributes the food.
Back up the thought train, here. Holland government mandating reduced nitrogen emissions (for climate change BS concerns). Those mandates are jeopardizing food production...not distribution.
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Sorry for the confusion, I didn't mean I personally have put any thought into the this "test bed" scenario. I was just using that quote as I think it's the sort of mechanism that has led massive amounts of people throughout history to fall back on the idea that benevolent overlords that know what's best for us should hold the power. You know..."for the greater good".

Having said that if I had to spit out a quick answer off the cuff it would be once sufficient control is reached they bring back food production however they see fit. Or they just bring in the Logan's Run system and keep population in check so concerns about food production don't matter as much.
I appreciate the expansion on your thoughts. Thank you.

I disagree with both possible scenarios in your last paragraph.

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