The war against Humanity in Holland.

Back up the thought train, here. Holland government mandating reduced nitrogen emissions (for climate change BS concerns). Those mandates are jeopardizing food production...not distribution.

The food will be imported from elsewhere.
The food will be imported from elsewhere.
Fair enough. So, if the test is "successful" and Holland's approach goes global, where will the food which needs distribution (controlled by government) come from?
Fair enough. So, if the test is "successful" and Holland's approach goes global, where will the food which needs distribution (controlled by government) come from?

From the select food growing areas. It's no coincidence a select few are buying up as much farm and grazing land as they can.
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From the select food growing areas. It's no coincidence a select few are buying up as much farm and grazing land as they can.
Since government is by definition, inefficient and bureaucratic, it is destined to lead to food shortages which will create anarchy.
It's kooky.
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I appreciate the expansion on your thoughts. Thank you.

I disagree with both possible scenarios in your last paragraph.

You're right, we're more likely to run through the Soylent variations before we start bringing the Sandmen into play.

In truth I'd have to ruminate on this a bit more before forwarding a real answer specific to this scenario. I will say my distrust of government lends itself to the idea that any crisis that can be used (let alone manufactured) to leverage more power will, more often than not, be used to gain control by those in a position to take advantage.
You're right, we're more likely to run through the Soylent variations before we start bringing the Sandmen into play.

In truth I'd have to ruminate on this a bit more before forwarding a real answer specific to this scenario. I will say my distrust of government lends itself to the idea that any crisis that can be used (let alone manufactured) to leverage more power will, more often than not, be used to gain control by those in a position to take advantage.
I share your distrust.

I personally draw the line at globally orchestrated, complex, years-long conspiracies.
But we have real problems right here, problems like drag shows.

The drag show thing is stupid. Memphis is bluest area in the state by far and I'm not sure I could find a drag show if I tried...

But instead of getting bills out of committee that will create jobs, our legislators are spending time with a non-existent issue. If my young child saw a drag show, that is a parenting issue, not a government issue.

That is the definition of scary....
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Well, China and Bill Gates are buying up US farm land. Warren Buffett as well.
So Buffett and Gates are investing heavily in an enterprise which has a historically low ROI and where the government will control their distribution and thereby controlling their revenue???

C'mon guys!
The drag show thing is stupid. Memphis is bluest area in the state by far and I'm not sure I could find a drag show if I tried...

But instead of getting bills out of committee that will create jobs, our legislators are spending time with a non-existent issue. If my young child saw a drag show, that is a parenting issue, not a government issue.

That is the definition of scary....
Having seen the bills coming out of committee for about 30 years, I'll take legislatures spending time on non existent issues, thank you.
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So Buffett and Gates are investing heavily in an enterprise which has a historically low ROI and where the government will control their distribution and thereby controlling their revenue???

C'mon guys!

Not a problem if they control the government.
It’s just more control. Does it matter what it’s for?

What’s your take?
Dutch politicians in an effort to show they are protecting their voters from the climate change boogeyman are "getting serious" with climate destroying activities. They single handedly protecting their country, a third of which is below sea level, by mandating changes at home.

That's my take. Idiots in charge trying to protect their powerful positions with populism.
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Dutch politicians in an effort to show they are protecting their voters from the climate change boogeyman are "getting serious" with climate destroying activities. They single handedly protecting their country, a third of which is below sea level, by mandating changes at home.

That's my take. Idiots in charge trying to protect their powerful positions with populism.
I can agree with all of that.

Especially your last sentence, which is another way of saying they want to cement control.
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