The war against Humanity in Holland.

The best way to help the climate is eliminate people. Maybe some of these people fighting to save the environment should volunteer to be fertilizer? Fewer people leave less of a carbon footprint.
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At least now I know why Nigel Powers hated the Dutch.
The best way to help the climate is eliminate people. Maybe some of these people fighting to save the environment should volunteer to be fertilizer? Fewer people leave less of a carbon footprint.

In liberal tax policy, those with the most should pay the most. Holding that concept with your idea, China, India need to euthanize the most people to help the climate.
The situation is Holland is concerning. ...for the Dutch. It isn't the test bed for a global approach. It is perfectly fine to call a situation out without magnifying it into a worldwide cause for alarm.
Anybody who is still thinking like yourself after what we have seen since 2020 is a damn fool or delusional. Sorry.

Humanity (not just one country here or there) is under attack.
Anybody who is still thinking like yourself after what we have seen since 2020 is a damn fool or delusional. Sorry.

Humanity (not just one country here or there) is under attack.

I would be willing to compare our objectivity anytime you'd like. And if you really believe what you posted and you're not subsistence farming, you're the biggest fool of all.
I wouldn’t take anything Jordan Peterson says seriously. He’s messed up in the head. He wrote a book about how he dreams about sniffing his grandma’s pubes
The situation is Holland is concerning. ...for the Dutch. It isn't the test bed for a global approach. It is perfectly fine to call a situation out without magnifying it into a worldwide cause for alarm.
Look who you are replying to.
After skimming over the actual video a couple observations.

Eva Vlaardingerbroek is easy on the eyes.

I don't think the "canary in the coal mine" take is quite as overtly posited as some kind of global conspiracy. I think the idea is that the thought process going on with the Dutch in this scenario if successful is absolutely the kind of thing the greater green/globalist types would love to implement on a larger scale but I'm not certain even the people in the podcast were actually taking the POV that a cabal with a war room in a hollowed out volcano had all decided to circle Holland on the map and petri dish this whole thing.
I share your distrust.

I personally draw the line at globally orchestrated, complex, years-long conspiracies.

Yeah. I don't think the government is good at doing simple things. The idea that globalists in government would be using climate change regulations to take control over the food supply in order to further subjugate the people of the world is a little bit too complicated for me to accept. How do they coordinate their efforts? Why are Dutch globalists, who are all about power, willing to surrender their power to a one-world government? Who is in charge of it? Where do they have these discussions so they can hatch these complicated, long play schemes? How do they decide who they choose to rule over them? Again, why are they wanting to relinquish power to this government?

I am positive that there are nefarious globalists, but most of them just want what they think are good outcomes. They are misguided in their efforts to fight climate change. They are not trying to make you into their leader's slave.
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After skimming over the actual video a couple observations.

Eva Vlaardingerbroek is easy on the eyes.

I don't think the "canary in the coal mine" take is quite as overtly posited as some kind of global conspiracy. I think the idea is that the thought process going on with the Dutch in this scenario if successful is absolutely the kind of thing the greater green/globalist types would love to implement on a larger scale but I'm not certain even the people in the podcast were actually taking the POV that a cabal with a war room in a hollowed out volcano had all decided to circle Holland on the map and petri dish this whole thing.

I don't have time to watch the video. I'm just going off what OP said in post #3.
I've spent a few weeks in Holland and it is heavily agricultural. The cities that exist are usually very densely populated. Trying to shut down farming in the name of "climate change" in Holland is the stupidest thing I have ever heard of in my life.
Get ready, because it seems the stupidity is just getting started.

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