Anyone who thinks MJ kills or is worse than alcohol is a complete moron. I would say those people have never used it, or have little knowledge about it. It is not addicting and it does not kill. I work 2 jobs and go to school. Not saying everyone should do it, but if cigarettes and alcohol is legal, weed should be also. How many people have died to complications from cigarette use? How many for MJ? What about alcohol? I have never never never heard of MJ splitting up a home or people losing the morgage on their house. I have never heard of someone smoking themselves to death cause they overdosed on MJ...cause you cannot. 80 million americans say they smoke weed. A good website to view this is
Dan, Dan, Dan... So you work 2 jobs and go to school. All the while you are smoking weed. You must be very proud to be able to do this. Don't burn the burgers.
Just a small article I found. Could've posted the link, but I wanted you to read it before you forgot what you were doing.
Signs of marijuana addiction and abuse
Short-term (immediate) effects of marijuana use
The most common side effects of marijuana are:
difficulty keeping track of time, impaired or reduced short-term memory
reduced ability to perform tasks requiring concentration and coordination, such as driving a car
increased heart rate
potential cardiac dangers for those with preexisting heart disease
bloodshot eyes
dry mouth and throat
decreased social inhibitions
paranoia, hallucinations
impaired or reduced short-term memory
impaired or reduced comprehension
altered motivation and cognition, making the acquisition of new information difficult
psychological dependence
impairments in learning and memory, perception, and judgment - difficulty speaking, listening effectively, thinking, retaining knowledge, problem solving, and forming concepts
intense anxiety or panic attacks
Long-term effects of marijuana use
Enhanced cancer risk
Decrease in testosterone levels and lower sperm counts for men
Increase in testosterone levels for women and increased
risk of infertility (Which in some cases is not a bad thing)
Diminished or extinguished sexual pleasure
Psychological dependence requiring more of the drug to get the same effect
Effects of marijuana on men
Marijuana is the most common drug used by adolescents in America today. Marijuana affects the parts of the brain which controls the sex and growth hormones. In males, marijuana can decrease the testosterone level. Occasional cases of enlarged breasts in male marijuana users are triggered by the chemical impact on the hormone system. Regular marijuana use can also lead to a decrease in sperm count, as well as increases in abnormal and immature sperm. Marijuana is a contributing factor in the rising problem of infertility in males. Young males should know the effects and potential effects of marijuana use on sex and growing process before they decide to smoke marijuana.
Effects of marijuana on women
Just as in males, marijuana affects the female in the part of the brain that controls the hormones, which determines the sequence in the menstrual cycle. Its been said that females who smoked or used marijuana on a regular basis had irregular menstrual cycles, the female hormones were depressed, and the testosterone level was raised. Even though this effect may be reversible, it may take several months of no marijuana use before the menstrual cycles become normal again.
Mothers who smoke marijuana on a regular basis have been reported of having babies with a weak central nervous system. These babies show abnormal reactions to light and sound, exhibit tremors and startles, and have the high-pitched cry associated with drug withdrawal. Occurring at five times the rate of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, Fetal Marijuana Syndrome is a growing concern of many doctors. Furthermore, doctors worry that children born to "pot-head" mothers will have learning disabilities, attention deficits and hormonal irregularities as they grow older, even if there are no apparent signs of damage at birth. Pregnant or nursing mothers who smoke marijuana should talk to their doctors immediately.