The Worley thread (merged)

With Oregon dropping into soft coverage and letting Worley sit in the pocket his strengths are really showing. He's making good reads. He doesn't throw well in motion. But he's on target from the pocket.

HE'S ON TARGET? What game did you watch? His target is just a little off
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Worley was the Gator Aid player of the year in High School, what happened? Do they need to revisit their selection process or does he just go in the tank once he get's to UT? You would think he would have to be a really skilled QB to win a national it just our luck?
Worley was the Gator Aid player of the year in High School, what happened? Do they need to revisit their selection process or does he just go in the tank once he get's to UT? You would think he would have to be a really skilled QB to win a national it just our luck?

Barring injury, physical abilities don't just disappear. However, comparing high school to college is asinine. Just because one is good in high school doesn't mean their talent will stack up at the collegiate level. That said, I think a lot of Worley's problems are mental. Look at the pass he threw on a rope for the first TD when it looked like TN could compete with Oregon. That was a nice pass. Then squat. Something is off mentally.
Barring injury, physical abilities don't just disappear. However, comparing high school to college is asinine. Just because one is good in high school doesn't mean their talent will stack up at the collegiate level. That said, I think a lot of Worley's problems are mental. Look at the pass he threw on a rope for the first TD when it looked like TN could compete with Oregon. That was a nice pass. Then squat. Something is off mentally.

I would agree that his timing is off a lot of the time. Something few seem to remember from the game is there were also several passes where he was on the money (or close enough) and the receiver just dropped the ball (seem to remember one from J. Smith). Dropping the few catchable passes Worely threw really killed any passing game we had. Bad QB play combined with inexperience at receiver makes for a long day playing against #2 in the country.
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Coaches were right in fall saying Worley is consistent. Yea he is consistently missing wide open guys. Consistently throwing balls short! Consistently inaccurate. Cost us atleast 4 guaranteed TDs so far this season. And these are bad throws not drops!!! If we're gonna have struggles might as well be a freshmen cause I think we have seen Worleys ceiling! Give me fergs or dobbs.
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After reflecting for a couple of hours and watching some other games. Are team looked like Cocke County High School versus the Eagles today. I did not expect UT to win but what a F'n embarrassment this game was. Thank goodness the Ala/A&M game was on to take a lot of eyes away for the joke we rolled out in toker land today.

The play calling was horrible and it's pretty comical to watch us run the zone read with a QB who is one of the worst I have ever seen in college football. He cannot throw or run and he looks scared.

I am not shocked because he was trash when he got the chance to play while Bray was hurt and he was also trash against WKU.

With all of that said and with the leash that Worley appears to have with Jones I am scared to see how bad are other QB's are if Worley is playing.

OUR not are. Not trying to be a d1c# about it. Worley is not accurate at all, we will lose nothing by putting in one of the Freshmen and giving them a go.
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Maybe we should take a page out of the book from Kentucky 2 years ago. Let's start one of our second team wide receivers at QB...may not be much worse.
Worst qb I've ever seen at a college level. Wtf

I wouldn't go that far. Have you already forgotten Crompton and the Clawfense?

We clearly got outclassed yesterday by a better team and did nothing to lighten the beating administered to us.
I wouldn't go that far. Have you already forgotten Crompton and the Clawfense?

We clearly got outclassed yesterday by a better team and did nothing to lighten the beating administered to us.
Other than guys falling all over the field cramping up (cough). It was going to be a beating either way.. Peterman wouldn't have helped all that much.. He might of hit one of or two of those wide open receivers possibly though.. We needed sustained drives. Too many 3 and outs to not get ran out of there..
Worley was the Gator Aid player of the year in High School, what happened? Do they need to revisit their selection process or does he just go in the tank once he get's to UT? You would think he would have to be a really skilled QB to win a national it just our luck?

I coach MS football & baseball, here is what I see from Worley. Go look at his HS videos, he was accurate but he floated or rainbowed his throws. It was ok in HS but in college most DB's are fast and if you arc most of your throws you give them time to catch up and make a play. As with most young kids you start with mechanics to teach them to zip fastballs on these short and intermediate routes (0-15+ yards). He is better on deep throws(20+yds) which you can put more air under them, but arm strength gets him a little here. When I get a kid that throws accurately in baseball and I start teaching and training them to throw with more power, usually the first thing to go is accuracy. The harder they throw the less control you have until you get it all together. This staff has worked with JW since early spirng on this and he isn't getting it together. I think you could see the lack of confidence in his face. He is a great person that studies hard and does whatever they ask, but he is struggling on making the throws the right way.
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abc announcers did say almost every pass play that the receivers were jus covered no where to throw the ball. I completely understand your side of it 100% with worley, but you got to see that side as well as no play maker.

While Oregon's receivers were often wide open, ours were closely covered. That made it difficult for Worley to get off passes quickly, which resulted in his getting off passes under pressure...with the receivers still closely covered. The amazing fact that he did not throw INTs resulted from mental discipline, not fear. I think we still have a chance with him, but something must change because a read option system without a running QB absolutely requires an effective passing game.
One of the things that bothered me was Worley's evaluation of his own play. He seemed to think it was OK (I forget his exact term).

He needs to set the bar a lot higher if he is to take this team anywhere.

I think we will continue to see Peterman in a mop up roll until he either proves that he is an improvement, or shows CBJ that he is not the guy.

We are in for some tough games and should focus on improvement - as CBJ has been saying since the beginning.

No playbook, no arm, and very little help on the receiving end. That about sums it up. I think Worley probably came to UT with a lot of potential and it was sadly never developed.

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