Theft and assault? The liberal way

Don't seem to remember conservatives acting like psychos towards women and children during BHO's eight years on his throne.

Maybe because he was worth his salt and not a race-baiting bigot? Just spitballing here.
Passing by a 7 year old child and his mother, then assaulting them and destroying their property is validated because of Trump comments?

Who said it was validated? It there was an assault call the cops the way it's normally done. Picking up a hat off the ground, not returning it, and then chucking it over the fence is not a good thing to do, but does it compare to this?

Who said it was validated? It there was an assault call the cops the way it's normally done. Picking up a hat off the ground, not returning it, and then chucking it over the fence is not a good thing to do, but does it compare to this?

So whatabout...😂

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The women shouldn't destroy private property or take the kid's hat.

And the Mom should not be egging her kid on like that, nor should she be confronting people over posters or a hat in that manner, making the situation worse.

There's bad people on both sides.
The women shouldn't destroy private property or take the kid's hat.

And the Mom should not be egging her kid on like that, nor should she be confronting people over posters or a hat in that manner, making the situation worse.

There's bad people on both sides.

Wait what ? people shouldn’t take and destroy other people’s property , but people shouldn’t confront people destroying , taking their property because it makes it worse ?
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Wait what ? people shouldn’t take and destroy other people’s property , but people shouldn’t confront people destroying taking about destroying their property because it makes it worse ?

That was a bit more than just confronting, IMO. I'd also like to see a bit before the released video begins. Too many times we see conservatives.... shall we say omit important parts of the story that don't fit the narrative they want to sell.
Who said it was validated? It there was an assault call the cops the way it's normally done. Picking up a hat off the ground, not returning it, and then chucking it over the fence is not a good thing to do, but does it compare to this?

You forgot to add that after the hat was tossed over the fence, ole' girl decided to come back and throw punches at the woman filming her. Not a smart move.

Older man in the video was arrested and charged. Rightfully so for his behavior. Then his comments during an interview to local media, completely stupid. To use a term that's overused all too often around here, are we playing the whataboutism game again?
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That was a bit more than just confronting, IMO. I'd also like to see a bit before the released video begins. Too many times we see conservatives.... shall we say omit important parts of the story that don't fit the narrative they want to sell.

If true then conservatives get it from the loony left's playbook. You should know all about that from page 1.
That was a bit more than just confronting, IMO. I'd also like to see a bit before the released video begins. Too many times we see conservatives.... shall we say omit important parts of the story that don't fit the narrative they want to sell.

To be fair, lefties are equally guilty of editing to fit their narrative. Hell, ya'll perfected it. The right finally wised up and began playing the same game.
That was a bit more than just confronting, IMO. I'd also like to see a bit before the released video begins. Too many times we see conservatives.... shall we say omit important parts of the story that don't fit the narrative they want to sell.

You are so shall we say disingenuous when pushing a narrative ..

You are so shall we say disingenuous when pushing a narrative ..

MSNBC and CNN reporting, summed up in a gif.

You forgot to add that after the hat was tossed over the fence, ole' girl decided to come back and throw punches at the woman filming her. Not a smart move.

Older man in the video was arrested and charged. Rightfully so for his behavior. Then his comments during an interview to local media, completely stupid. To use a term that's overused all too often around here, are we playing the whataboutism game again?

No, not a whataboutism game because I'm (1) acknowledging that the theft of the hat was wrong and there are remedies for it, and (2) using the Trump rally clips to show your outrage is politically based and hypocritical given that Trump rallies had a lot more violence than what we observed on that tape.

So, are there violent loony a-holes on the left? Of course there are. Are they as bad as what we see on the right? No.

No, not a whataboutism game because I'm (1) acknowledging that the theft of the hat was wrong and there are remedies for it, and (2) using the Trump rally clips to show your outrage is politically based and hypocritical given that Trump rallies had a lot more violence than what we observed on that tape.

So, are there violent loony a-holes on the left? Of course there are. Are they as bad as what we see on the right? No.

We can do this all day, the back and forth with which one is worse....remember James Hodgkinson? Took out his frustrations with Trump on republican members of congress, by shooting at them during a baseball game.

I'm not outraged in the least. Although, I do want to eventually see some equal unbiased coverage from the media regarding these issues with liberals that rarely see any coverage. Other than buried in the back of the regional section of US news.

CNN coverage - Brave women fend off conservative woman and her Hitlerjugend child.
That was a bit more than just confronting, IMO. I'd also like to see a bit before the released video begins. Too many times we see conservatives.... shall we say omit important parts of the story that don't fit the narrative they want to sell.
Are you saying conservatives are the only ones that selectively edit their videos to help “sell a narrative”?

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