Theft and assault? The liberal way

When "WOKE" goes to prison lol

It's good to see that she'll have some consequences for her so woke self. Maybe with this she will learn a lesson.

Then again, she'll possibly believe how she was wronged by a corrupted system and she was defending this country from the evil tyranny of Trump supporters. Then move away and join a women only cult, cut off all her hair, put on 50 more lbs. and take up roller derby as her new profession.
It's good to see that she'll have some consequences for her so woke self. Maybe with this she will learn a lesson.

Then again, she'll possibly believe how she was wronged by a corrupted system and she was defending this country from the evil tyranny of Trump supporters. Then move away and join a women only cult, cut off all her hair, put on 50 more lbs. and take up roller derby as her new profession.

and cats! Don’t forget those cats.
New target of theft - grocery stores.

A Kroger in my area has added a metal gate as you access the grocery aisles. I wonder if we'll see more of this.

VN Store
