These players BELIEVE

Look at this post by Jalen Hurd:
Jalen Hurd‏@MrHurd18: Crazy! We are now number 1 and staying number 1! Vol nation this is the beginning! #BrickByBrick #RiseTo7.

I refuse to believe that this is just lip service. Yeah, fine, I'm a "sunshine pumper", "homer", wear the orange colored shades, etc.....but I really think these players believe they can win. They are convinced that they can bring us back. No, it won't happen this year, or the next but it could happen 3,4,5 years down the road. A few good years of recruiting quality players and having them coached by quality coaches is all it takes to get us competitive again.

I'm just excited to see a post like this from a recruit that hasn't even hit the field at Neyland yet. That "#RiseTo7" tag just got my heart racing. I can't wait for the season to start, and I'm really glad to finally see some positive energy around the program. GO VOLS!

We haven't had a "These Players BELIEVE" thread since early August 2012.
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with all this going on i see no reason we can't win it all this year. No reason what so ever... but 7-6 or better is a must if we can't.

Mane you cray.

In all seriousness, how can you honestly act like 7-6 is "a must" ? It's perhaps a must to keep this recruiting class ranked in the top 5, but certainly not a must for UT's future success. Cincy went 4-8 Jones' first year, look how that turned out
I've been reserved, but we have something special brewing here. It makes it that much more exciting to see the product on the field. The results for this upcoming season may not be what we want, but I imagine that we will be refreshed with our work ethic and tenacity. We will win some games we aren't supposed to. I am convinced of this.
Yeah SUNSHINE're part of a crew...and we outnumber THEM..they call themselves realists and profess to have a goal of keeping us from being disappointed but they feed off said disappointment. The thrill of saying I TOLD YOU SO must be akin to a magic drug but the effect doesn't linger so they have to keep going back for more and invent situations to satisfy their kick...this thing that Butch has created is sustaining itself and growing of it's own accord...Jalen Todd and Vic are the face of this movement but each commit buys in and spreads the word...we got something special going here...try enjoying it realists
Posted via VolNation Mobile
Uh...that's a whole lot typing about nothing. Your fictional figures don't exist. There are a lot of fans who simply want a coach who has proven he can win and has a solid resume.

Dingleberries like you call everyone a negavol for wanting Dooley's arse gone and gone sooner rather than later. Why? Cause we're impatient? No...he was never qualified in the first place, so he should have had a much shorter leash than someone like CBJ or Sumlin, who have a record of success on their resume.

We all want the team to succeed. We just happen to have varying opinions as to who will lead us there. CBJ is the coach now, and I for one am as optimistic as anyone, but I am tempering that enthusiasm will reality....What reality? That despite the bangup job on the recruiting trail, the fact remains that he and his staff haven't coached a single down here.

Let's be level headed and withhold the crowning ceremony until after the staff accomplishes something on the field. CBJ wouldn't have it any other way. Guys like you were crowning Sal Sunseri as the savior of the defense, this time last year. Now you look like real azzhats for those comments..."Sal is a Bada$$...He's going to instill some toughness and discipline....yada, yada, yada."

Yeah...I told you so, bonehead. Wait. It's a proven concept. You should try out it sometime.
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Uh...that's a whole lot typing about nothing. Your fictional figures don't exist. There are a lot of fans who simply want a coach who has proven he can win and has a solid resume.

Dingleberries like you call everyone a negavol for wanting Dooley's arse gone and gone sooner rather than later. Why? Cause we're impatient? No...he was never qualified in the first place, so he should have had a much shorter leash than someone like CBJ or Sumlin, who have a record of success on their resume.

We all want the team to succeed. We just happen to have varying opinions as to who will lead us there. CBJ is the coach now, and I for one am as optimistic as anyone, but I am tempering that enthusiasm will reality....What reality? That despite the bangup job on the recruiting trail, the fact remains that he and his staff haven't coached a single down here.

Let's be level headed and withhold the crowning ceremony until after the staff accomplishes something on the field. CBJ wouldn't have it any other way. Guys like you were crowning Sal Sunseri as the savior of the defense, this time last year. Now you look like real azzhats for those comments..."Sal is a Bada$$...He's going to instill some toughness and discipline....yada, yada, yada."

Yeah...I told you so, bonehead. Wait. It's a proven concept. You should try out it sometime.

Hey!...we were just talking about you!....sorry out of all that garble, the only thing I made out was your fondness for dingleberries...bon appetit
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Can't wait for the game @Oregon. Would be amazing to have the vols come up here and beat the ducks in their house. We just might have the size on D to do it this year.
It is very simple here, 7-6 is a must for butch to keep the train going forward, imho, a 4th losing season in a row has not ever happened at tennessee in football. If he has a losing season it will make alot of folks question his and his staff's coaching as 12 games will tell us if his staff is sunshine pumpers or not. It will make it hard for folks to believe what he says going forward and keep the excitement going forward if he don't go at least 7-6. It might even cause the players to wonder about the staff if they don't reach the 7-6 mark, which is a fair goal for this season only. Now if butch wins the sec and national title this season he may very well be compared and considered a greater coach than fulmer. GO VOLS!!!
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It is very simple here, 7-6 is a must for butch to keep the train going forward, imho, a 4th losing season in a row has not ever happened at tennessee in football. If he has a losing season it will make alot of folks question his and his staff's coaching as 12 games will tell us if his staff is sunshine pumpers or not. It will make it hard for folks to believe what he says going forward and keep the excitement going forward if he don't go at least 7-6. It might even cause the players to wonder about the staff if they don't reach the 7-6 mark, which is a fair goal for this season only. Now if butch wins the sec and national title this season he may very well be compared and considered a greater coach than fulmer. GO VOLS!!!

It is very simple here, 7-6 is a must for butch to keep the train going forward, imho, a 4th losing season in a row has not ever happened at tennessee in football. If he has a losing season it will make alot of folks question his and his staff's coaching as 12 games will tell us if his staff is sunshine pumpers or not. It will make it hard for folks to believe what he says going forward and keep the excitement going forward if he don't go at least 7-6. It might even cause the players to wonder about the staff if they don't reach the 7-6 mark, which is a fair goal for this season only. Now if butch wins the sec and national title this season he may very well be compared and considered a greater coach than fulmer. GO VOLS!!!

I'm starting to feel sorry for you 105.
Can't wait for the game @Oregon. Would be amazing to have the vols come up here and beat the ducks in their house. We just might have the size on D to do it this year.

Oregon is going to thrash UT. I just don't get why people keep spewing this "bet we beat Oregon" crap. We have a better chance at beating FL in the swamp. The only tougher game on our schedule this year is Alabama.
Look at this post by Jalen Hurd:
Jalen Hurd‏@MrHurd18: Crazy! We are now number 1 and staying number 1! Vol nation this is the beginning! #BrickByBrick #RiseTo7.

I refuse to believe that this is just lip service. Yeah, fine, I'm a "sunshine pumper", "homer", wear the orange colored shades, etc.....but I really think these players believe they can win. They are convinced that they can bring us back. No, it won't happen this year, or the next but it could happen 3,4,5 years down the road. A few good years of recruiting quality players and having them coached by quality coaches is all it takes to get us competitive again.

I'm just excited to see a post like this from a recruit that hasn't even hit the field at Neyland yet. That "#RiseTo7" tag just got my heart racing. I can't wait for the season to start, and I'm really glad to finally see some positive energy around the program. GO VOLS!

I am happy with what I see, but I will take the "wait and see" approach. I have been disappointed too many times lately concerning U.T. football....

I am glad that we have a good recruiting class for 2013, but, lets remember, once those players are here, the coaching staff has to develope their talents. If not, they will end up like Daniel Brooks or Chris Donald, etc.

Also, we have to keep those players on campus and not kicked off the team, like Mike Edwards, NuKeese Richardson, etc....

However; the early indications show that we have something positive going on.....
I think a lot of these "disappointists" were folks that wanted Tennessee to hire Gruden and not Butch

The Grudenites are the bandwagon jumpers and don't peel back the covers to look. I was in Tampa when Buc fans were screaming to fire him after he took a Super Bowl team and ran it in the ground. He didn't like developing or playing young players--a critical success factor in college.

To his credit, Gruden realizes this and probably will never coach a college team. He has a great job now. He doesn't have to coddle 16 year olds and parents or a fanbase. If he gets fired he is off to the NFL, which he would have done here after a couple of years.
I've been following UT for the last 55 years. I don't ever remember getting this many commitments at this point in May. Not even close. Of course, this covers the period of the last 15 years or so since that was about the time recruting services were available to provide instant information 24/7. UT was always a slow starter, and finished strong. Not this year. Need 2 - 3 nasty DT's to finish off the class, as well as, a few more good OL. Butch definitely has a mojo going on, and I love it.
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Yeah SUNSHINE're part of a crew...and we outnumber THEM..they call themselves realists and profess to have a goal of keeping us from being disappointed but they feed off said disappointment. The thrill of saying I TOLD YOU SO must be akin to a magic drug but the effect doesn't linger so they have to keep going back for more and invent situations to satisfy their kick...this thing that Butch has created is sustaining itself and growing of it's own accord...Jalen Todd and Vic are the face of this movement but each commit buys in and spreads the word...we got something special going here...try enjoying it realists
Posted via VolNation Mobile

My sunshine pump is running wide a$$ open. :yes:
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Oregon is going to thrash UT. I just don't get why people keep spewing this "bet we beat Oregon" crap. We have a better chance at beating FL in the swamp. The only tougher game on our schedule this year is Alabama.

UO could and probably "should" , but I think ppl blow the Ducks skill and speed out of proportion. UT's recruiting has actually been more solid across the board even during UO's rise and UT's fall. Lyerla will be tough to contain and DThomas as well. They have a handful of elite players ,but the rest of the team is very average and they no longer have CK running the show. Just his presence was good for 14 pts. I'll be shocked if they don't take a big step back this year. It's more possible than it seems.
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I've been following UT for the last 55 years. I don't ever remember getting this many commitments at this point in May. Not even close. Of course, this covers the period of the last 15 years or so since that was about the time recruting services were available to provide instant information 24/7. UT was always a slow starter, and finished strong. Not this year. Need 2 - 3 nasty DT's to finish off the class, as well as, a few more good OL. Butch definitely has a mojo going on, and I love it.

Amen on the DT's. We have a superb recruiting class going on, but we definitely need to put emphasis on some Reggie Whites, John Hendersons, and Albert Haynesworths! But I'm sure there is nobody who is more concerned with this than CBJ and I feel confident that success breeds success and he will land at least two or three big fish. Hopefully one or two of them will be able to contribute early.
You are going to be disappointed this year, bro. Your expectations are straight up wack - win it all this year? Are you drunk?

Not really trying to bash you because i agree with quite a few things you say but i hope our players dont have that mentality.

I predict a 7 win season but i expect to win every game no matter what. The game isnt played on paper. If it was, USC wouldve won the NC last year. As far as being disappointed goes, a 7 win season, in my eyes, is a disappointment anyways, so nothing will have changed by me having high expectations.

Like I said, I respect your opinion as a very level headed poster. Was just offering mine.

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