These players BELIEVE

Well I of course wanted JG..buttttt I don't let that stop me from supporting CBJ.. No matter the leader, the jersey will still be orange in the players I also BELIEVE
Go Vols
Oregon is going to thrash UT. I just don't get why people keep spewing this "bet we beat Oregon" crap. We have a better chance at beating FL in the swamp. The only tougher game on our schedule this year is Alabama.

Are you a fan of UT at all dude?
So, what name was butchna going by back when Dooley was coach?

I followed this board since right before the Sunseri hire...never completed the registration process...was going to use Daltonvol but it was taken before I finally registered in January...I know cool message board story bro
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UO could and probably "should" , but I think ppl blow the Ducks skill and speed out of proportion. UT's recruiting has actually been more solid across the board even during UO's rise and UT's fall. Lyerla will be tough to contain and DThomas as well. They have a handful of elite players ,but the rest of the team is very average and they no longer have CK running the show. Just his presence was good for 14 pts. I'll be shocked if they don't take a big step back this year. It's more possible than it seems.

I hear ya on the speed thing. Oregon has phenomenal speed I'll give them that. But the thing I've noticed is that they give up size for speed. Their speed guys are always 180-190lbs. SEC has big fast guys. The size speed ratio of the SEC is unparalleled. As for team speed, I'd say Bama, UF, UGA, LSU have as good of team speed as Oregon. Maybe another team or two. I noticed when Oregon played LSU and Auburn, they didn't get the edge on their little draw read like they usually do. A 250lb. fast LB was there waiting on the RB. Yet the very first play of the game against Auburn they did a sweep to McCalleb and he turned the corner for about 30 yards. The safety better nudged him OB or he would have went 70 yds. It was glaringly obvious they weren't used to seeing that kind of speed from other teams.
I hear ya on the speed thing. Oregon has phenomenal speed I'll give them that. But the thing I've noticed is that they give up size for speed. Their speed guys are always 180-190lbs. SEC has big fast guys. The size speed ratio of the SEC is unparalleled. As for team speed, I'd say Bama, UF, UGA, LSU have as good of team speed as Oregon. Maybe another team or two. I noticed when Oregon played LSU and Auburn, they didn't get the edge on their little draw read like they usually do. A 250lb. fast LB was there waiting on the RB. Yet the very first play of the game against Auburn they did a sweep to McCalleb and he turned the corner for about 30 yards. The safety better nudged him OB or he would have went 70 yds. It was glaringly obvious they weren't used to seeing that kind of speed from other teams.

Yeh if Chip had stayed and started getting those LSU and Bama type guys in the trenches, they'd have been a machine from hell. However, that isn't the case and I don't see them maintaining the momentum they had. Hope I'm wrong cause I like watching them play, but I'd much rather see Tennessee stomp a mudhole in their a**es.
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Yeh if Chip had stayed and started getting those LSU and Bama type guys in the trenches, they'd have been a machine from hell. However, that isn't the case and I don't see them maintaining the momentum they had. Hope I'm wrong cause I like watching them play, but I'd much rather see Tennessee stomp a mudhole in their a**es.

I'm not sure he could have ever had those guys in his scheme. His lineman have to be able to move. Atleast the offensive lineman. But I could be wrong. Because they like the smaller quicker guys on the d-line as well. They could use some SEC quality DTs. Them dudes don't stand a chance against the LSUs of the world. In fact, our o-line should give them hell. And yes they will miss Chip Kelly. It's funny how many Tennessee fans of all fanbases think they won't fall off much. You know the same fanbase who thought Clawson was gonna be better than the crap Cutcliff dink and dunk. Kiffin better than Fulmer, Dooley better than Kiffin, Sal was an extreme upgrade over Wilcox. We just upgraded ourselves straight to the Pitts of hell. Now many of the same folks just think Oregon right along. I don't see it.
UO could and probably "should" , but I think ppl blow the Ducks skill and speed out of proportion. UT's recruiting has actually been more solid across the board even during UO's rise and UT's fall. Lyerla will be tough to contain and DThomas as well. They have a handful of elite players ,but the rest of the team is very average and they no longer have CK running the show. Just his presence was good for 14 pts. I'll be shocked if they don't take a big step back this year. It's more possible than it seems.

So, if we are attempting to explain the discrepancy between Oregon's recruiting rankings and their offensive productivity, much of the credit obviously goes to Kelly's offensive scheme and their explosive skilled position players. Given the success that they have recently enjoyed, however, why, in your opinion, hasn't that translated into more elite offensive line signees. And did Kelly essentially pay lip service to recruiting defensive personnel because he knew that he could outscore most opponents?
So, if we are attempting to explain the discrepancy between Oregon's recruiting rankings and their offensive productivity, much of the credit obviously goes to Kelly's offensive scheme and their explosive skilled position players. Given the success that they have recently enjoyed, however, why, in your opinion, hasn't that translated into more elite offensive line signees. And did Kelly essentially pay lip service to recruiting defensive personnel because he knew that he could outscore most opponents?

I don't think Kelly undervalued defense, I just don't think the program was matured to the point that they could lure the elite linemen away from the USCs , Texas' and LSUs of the world. Their success relied heavily upon Kelly's offense and philosophies. I guess it looked too fun for blazing fast RBs and WRs , but less appealing to linemen.
Bellotti had some success too, but I feel like they were always gonna be a good but not great team under him.

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