They Don’t Pay Their Fair Share



revolUTion in the air!
Mar 19, 2011
This seems to be a common left wing myth . LG recently claimed it’s the middle class who pay the majority of taxes in this country. That’s obviously 100% incorrect. If you look at the lower 1/3 of the middle class, they still receive more benefits than they pay in taxes.

It’s also well known that the lower class in this country does not pay taxes. When trying to sell my farm a few years ago a woman told me she would be able to get the down payment from her tax return and that the previous year she had only worked a couple of weeks and had received thousands back.

The 1% earns 20% of all income but pays 40% of the taxes in this country.

Where does this myth that the wealthy don’t pay taxes come from? Especially given that we have the most progressive taxes in the world. Can anyone back it up with data?
Are you actually willing to engage in useful discourse, or is this just another thread where you'll be obtuse and find reasons to dismiss any data that doesn't fit your bias?

I’m always willing to engage. What do you have?
I’m always willing to engage. What do you have?

I'm still trying to decide if I want or have the time for this one. I think I'll sit back and see how you interact with the first several posters.
I'm still trying to decide if I want or have the time for this one. I think I'll sit back and see how you interact with the first several posters.

I’m not convinced you’ll see several other responses. The idea from this thread came from LG falsely claiming the middle class pays all the taxes and then never responding. So I doubt he comes. Maybe Septic or someone else will show. But the numbers on your side aren’t great. Could be waiting for awhile.

I’m not certain why you think I’m so unreasonable
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Behavior over time.

Plus, your style is way too much like mine used to be all the time.

I think I’m fair and reasonably with everyone I interact with. And I always respond. That’s what the most annoying. The drive by people who will post things and refuse to ever defend them
Behavior over time.

Plus, your style is way too much like mine used to be all the time.

Do you have any data that disagrees with any of my claims? I’d be curious to see it. Even if you think I’ll misrepresent it or whatever else you seem to think of me, it can’t hurt to show it. But I really don’t think it exists
Do you have any data that disagrees with any of my claims? I’d be curious to see it. Even if you think I’ll misrepresent it or whatever else you seem to think of me, it can’t hurt to show it. But I really don’t think it exists

I've already said I'm not interacting with your data at this time. Stop begging.
I've already said I'm not interacting with your data at this time. Stop begging.

You think I’m begging you? That’s cute. Perhaps it’s not my style that’s the problem here…

But if there is data that runs counter to what I’m claiming it would obviously be best for you to post it even if you think I will misrepresent it, given I’m not the only one who will see it

Until then, I’ll assume you have nothing
This seems to be a common left wing myth . LG recently claimed it’s the middle class who pay the majority of taxes in this country. That’s obviously 100% incorrect. If you look at the lower 1/3 of the middle class, they still receive more benefits than they pay in taxes.

It’s also well known that the lower class in this country does not pay taxes. When trying to sell my farm a few years ago a woman told me she would be able to get the down payment from her tax return and that the previous year she had only worked a couple of weeks and had received thousands back.

The 1% earns 20% of all income but pays 40% of the taxes in this country.

Where does this myth that the wealthy don’t pay taxes come from? Especially given that we have the most progressive taxes in the world. Can anyone back it up with data?

Can you explain how this person worked two weeks and got thousands back? Also, where did you get the 1/3 of the middle class receives more than they pay statistic?
Can you explain how this person worked two weeks and got thousands back? Also, where did you get the 1/3 of the middle class receives more than they pay statistic?

I’m assuming the answer is the child tax credit. I can provide the screenshots from our conversation if you’d like. I just need a second to blur out our names.

The second claim is from the article linked in the op
Can you explain how this person worked two weeks and got thousands back? Also, where did you get the 1/3 of the middle class receives more than they pay statistic?

If she’s being honest, that means she got back more in taxes than she earned. Not more than she paid, but more than she even earned. That’s insane


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I have a brother in law that works under the table as a plumber/carpenters helper for more than 15 years. Wife has never worked. They get back 3 to 4k every single year like clockwork and blow it on dope. We raise 1 of their 4 kids, his brother raises another...the 2 small ones are stuck with their parents for now.

My wife and i pay a fortune in taxes/SS/etc and end up owing every year. My biggest complaint is that no portion of the fortune we have spent yearly keeping our kids in Christian school has ever been deductible or a tax credit. We dont want or need handouts like the millions of others get, but it would be nice to get a tax credit to help with the costs of educating my kids since the law mandates they must be educated or Big Brother will try to take them from us/lock us up. IF the .gov is gonna force their way into schooling kids, they should have a charter system with .gov vouchers with funding tied to whatever school we CHOOSE to put our kids in. Thats Capitalism, Freedom of choice...American ideals. Forced bussing, forced integration, forced ANYTHING concerning our children is ridiculous on its face and contrary to our national values.

If the .gov would keep its damn nose out of how I raise and educate my kids, i would expect nothing from them. If the excessive taxes we pay MUST pay for giving everyone elses kids a poor education, they should also help pay an equal amount per child towards my kids getting a decent education that actually rivals those in the best Western countries... the majority of public school students perform near the back of the pack among Western children elewhere...despite the US allegedly spending more $ per child to educate ours than anyone else on Earth.
I’d rank the issues in this order:

1. We spend too much.

2. The poor pays a negative income tax rate. That’s insane. That may be more insane than our spending.

I have no issue with the concept of some people making so little that they pay 0%. But it shouldn’t be profitable for anyone.
I have a brother in law that works under the table as a plumber/carpenters helper for more than 15 years. Wife has never worked. They get back 3 to 4k every single year like clockwork and blow it on dope. We raise 1 of their 4 kids, his brother raises another...the 2 small ones are stuck with their parents for now.

My wife and i pay a fortune in taxes/SS/etc and end up owing every year. My biggest complaint is that no portion of the fortune we have spent yearly keeping our kids in Christian school has ever been deductible or a tax credit. We dont want or need handouts like the millions of others get, but it would be nice to get a tax credit to help with the costs of educating my kids since the law mandates they must be educated or Big Brother will try to take them from us/lock us up. IF the .gov is gonna force their way into schooling kids, they should have a charter system with .gov vouchers with funding tied to whatever school we CHOOSE to put our kids in. Thats Capitalism, Freedom of choice...American ideals. Forced bussing, forced integration, forced ANYTHING concerning our children is ridiculous on its face and contrary to our national values.

If the .gov would keep its damn nose out of how I raise and educate my kids, i would expect nothing from them. If the excessive taxes we pay MUST pay for giving everyone elses kids a poor education, they should also help pay an equal amount per child towards my kids getting a decent education that actually rivals those in the best Western countries... the majority of public school students perform near the back of the pack among Western children elewhere...despite the US allegedly spending more $ per child to educate ours than anyone else on Earth.
You could look about setting up a 529 fund to pay your private school tuition up to $10k a year. Whatever gains are made on the contributed funds are tax free.
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This seems to be a common left wing myth . LG recently claimed it’s the middle class who pay the majority of taxes in this country. That’s obviously 100% incorrect. If you look at the lower 1/3 of the middle class, they still receive more benefits than they pay in taxes.
I think that we can agree that LG is technically wrong about the middle class paying more than the rich because we can obviously just look at the data and prove that.

But here is where the middle class gets the shaft, and @marcusluvsvols highlighted in his post. The middle class people in this country that did all of the right things, made all of the right decisions and are actually the backbone of this country because they are usually the ones in these blue collar/trades jobs, own their own small business or are just hard working people in general... those people and their labor is used up and wasted by this govt and they see the upper classes above them getting richer and the lower classes beneath them getting benefits and handouts for not being nearly as productive. That is a demoralizing and discouraging way to live. The frustration of knowing that you are trying to be the best citizen you can, raise good kids and pull your fair share of the weight without being a burden on others... only to see all of that effort go unrewarded and wasted is a huge problem. Also, for all of the taxes that the middle class does pay, they see no benefit to them. The rich people above them and the poor below them only "seem" to benefit. I put "seem" in quotes because there may or may not be truth in that, its just a gut feeling that I know that is very present among the middle class.
I think that we can agree that LG is technically wrong about the middle class paying more than the rich because we can obviously just look at the data and prove that.

But here is where the middle class gets the shaft, and @marcusluvsvols highlighted in his post. The middle class people in this country that did all of the right things, made all of the right decisions and are actually the backbone of this country because they are usually the ones in these blue collar/trades jobs, own their own small business or are just hard working people in general... those people and their labor is used up and wasted by this govt and they see the upper classes above them getting richer and the lower classes beneath them getting benefits and handouts for not being nearly as productive. That is a demoralizing and discouraging way to live. The frustration of knowing that you are trying to be the best citizen you can, raise good kids and pull your fair share of the weight without being a burden on others... only to see all of that effort go unrewarded and wasted is a huge problem. Also, for all of the taxes that the middle class does pay, they see no benefit to them. The rich people above them and the poor below them only "seem" to benefit. I put "seem" in quotes because there may or may not be truth in that, its just a gut feeling that I know that is very present among the middle class.

I don't recall Republican supermajorities doing anything to actually help the middle class despite multiple opportunities to do so. Same with democratic supermajorities. This uniparty system gets their money and their votes from the middle and in turn does nothing for them but make life worse.
This seems to be a common left wing myth . LG recently claimed it’s the middle class who pay the majority of taxes in this country. That’s obviously 100% incorrect. If you look at the lower 1/3 of the middle class, they still receive more benefits than they pay in taxes.

It’s also well known that the lower class in this country does not pay taxes. When trying to sell my farm a few years ago a woman told me she would be able to get the down payment from her tax return and that the previous year she had only worked a couple of weeks and had received thousands back.

The 1% earns 20% of all income but pays 40% of the taxes in this country.

Where does this myth that the wealthy don’t pay taxes come from? Especially given that we have the most progressive taxes in the world. Can anyone back it up with data?
The poor do not pay Federal Income tax. They do pay other taxes.
I don't recall Republican supermajorities doing anything to actually help the middle class despite multiple opportunities to do so. Same with democratic supermajorities. This uniparty system gets their money and their votes from the middle and in turn does nothing for them but make life worse.

Like the trump taxes? You don’t recall those?

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