They Don’t Pay Their Fair Share

Wealth and income are not the same. I made another thread on that but we can address it here too. If you own a business and you profit 60k a year (enough to life off but you’re not rich), you’re a millionaire. Because that business could reasonably be valued at over a million dollars (<20x earnings).

Should that business owner be taxed 10% of their wealth? 20%? 40%? Or can we agree wealth and income are different things?
I guarantee you that the looney left doesn't. To them, it is all a pot to be pilfered.

"You didn't build that"
Now I want everyone in here to read what @luthervol is advocating. If you make $80k a year, he's wanting you to give $45k to the Federal govt... let that sink in.

$80k a year isn't living high on the hog.
I want everyone on here to see how poorly putin.vol comprehends. Where did I ever advocate this? I was simply showing where vol8188 was wrong in his original post.

Please try to read twice and think a bit more before jumping to absurdly inaccurate conclusions and posting them.
Certainly not, just shoulder their equitable portion of the burden required to maintain a country that allows them to accumulate such wealth.
And of course you don't think they do. I paid an effective tax rate of 32% last year. How much more do you think would be equitable?
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Wealth and income are not the same. I made another thread on that but we can address it here too. If you own a business and you profit 60k a year (enough to life off but you’re not rich), you’re a millionaire. Because that business could reasonably be valued at over a million dollars (<20x earnings).

Should that business owner be taxed 10% of their wealth? 20%? 40%? Or can we agree wealth and income are different things?
lol.....did we ever disagree that they were different things?
Can we agree that you once again resorted to that juvenile tactic?
As an aging person, I'd like to see one party address the out of control costs of medicine. Whichever one has a plan that makes sense will get my vote. My guess is that they are all in cahoots with the drug lords and they DGAF about the cost of a pill or injection.

Several months ago I got charges for a procedure that was not performed. I disputed and was denied as it had already been filed with insurance, so I know that is the reason they denied. Had the so called claimed procedure actually performed a month later by another physician. Out $250 but not even worth the time to further dispute after letter and multiple correspondence. . Trust me Dr., I would remember a probe being stuck down my nose to my throat as you did it before and have performed surgery on me in the past.

Once filed, it is filed.
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I want everyone on here to see how poorly putin.vol comprehends. Where did I ever advocate this? I was simply showing where vol8188 was wrong in his original post.

Please try to read twice and think a bit more before jumping to absurdly inaccurate conclusions and posting them.

You advocate it by wanting to tax business owners the arbitrary value you assign to their business. You just don’t see it yet

Do you think a business owner making 60k a year should be taxed more than others making 60k a year based on his business being worth 1 million?
And of course you don't think they do. I paid an effective tax rate of 32% last year. How much more do you think would be equitable?
That's good, maybe even a little high (if you're talking specifically about federal income)
You and the rest of the loony left equate wealth with income. That is your justification for thievery. You advocate thievery.

AshG dodges the OP claiming he’ll be obtuse. Looter Luther posts obtuse garbage.

Liberals don’t understand that wealth was taxed every which way while it was being created.
lol.....did we ever disagree that they were different things?
Can we agree that you once again resorted to that juvenile tactic?

What was juvenile about anything I said?

Are you going to not address the question asked? Should a man making 60k a year be taxed as an evil millionaire business owner? Because a business earning 60k a year would be worth 1.2million (which is a very low ball number given the multiplier of 350 on Tesla)
You advocate it by wanting to tax business owners the arbitrary value you assign to their business. You just don’t see it yet

Do you think a business owner making 60k a year should be taxed more than others making 60k a year based on his business being worth 1 million?
not enough information. It depends on what make up the 1 million valuation.
not enough information. It depends on what make up the 1 million valuation.

Okay go ahead. Under what scenario are you okay with any business of 1 million being tasked as income?

What would the 1 million valuation need to be from for you to consider it taxable? Obviously I was using P/E to value his company and considering 20 to be a fair P/E for an average business. Which is probably a low estimate giving you want to tax Elon at over 350x the earnings of his company
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Tax the wealth, the wealth will be transferred to other countries. Good chance the taxpayers exit as well. It’s not good enough for the looney left that keeping wealth here results in jobs that will be held by taxpayers. Pure envy. Pure evil.
And what is interesting is that these asshats want to institute a worldwide taxation minimum. Unfortunately for them, the Irish and Hungarians know how absolutely stupid that would be to their economies . Hopefully they laughed Yellen right out of the room when she proposed that.

A few years back, France instituted some draconian tax on wealth. I heard the fastest growing French city was Brussels.
Several advanced economies have top income tax rates well above the current U.S. rate. Sweden, often cited as the most progressive tax regime in the OECD, maintains a top statutory income tax rate of 57.1 percent. The rate kicks in for citizens earning more than one and half times the average income, which comes out to about $70,000 in Sweden, a much lower threshold than current U.S. proposals.

Lmao I was cooking dinner and only half read this the first time. But his own claim, counters his idea that Sweden has a more progressive tax than ours.

Taxing the middle class (people making 70k) or even the lower class (if it means 70k for a household) the highest possible rate is the complete opposite of “progressive”
I’m a proponent of a flat tax of 0.00% on all earned income at all levels and could probably be persuaded to compromise by applying that rate on present wealth even though I’m not a proponent of a wealth tax. No deductions.

Now that is Hard Core
Certainly not, just shoulder their equitable portion of the burden required to maintain a country that allows them to accumulate such wealth.
How much Federal Income tax did the 1% pay last year? Anyone know?

How much of the total Federal tax receipts would equate to an equitable burden?
How much Federal Income tax did the 1% pay last year? Anyone know?

How much of the total Federal tax receipts would equate to an equitable burden?

Buffet says he don't pay enough, then tax his ass
What do you guys think Luther’s benefits package and pension plan should be valued at?
But Luther is poorly paid for his 180 days a year that he works. With his strenuous work schedule, and meager benefits package, I just don't know how he gets by. I know I'm still enjoying my medical benefits package that my company canceled 3 months after I retired. Nothing like starting over on January 1st with a $8750 deductible before they pay anything with my measly little $850/month premium for Obamacare.
But Luther is poorly paid for his 180 days a year that he works. With his strenuous work schedule, and meager benefits package, I just don't know how he gets by. I know I'm still enjoying my medical benefits package that my company canceled 3 months after I retired. Nothing like starting over on January 1st with a $8750 deductible before they pay anything with my measly little $850/month premium for Obamacare.
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