They hate us for our freedoms


To hate or be hated?

Moammar Ghadafi called on the moslem world to declare jihad on Switzerland after thay banned the building or any more minarettes in that country.

Not sure what came of that.

I think some were talking about kicking the Swiss out of the EU but since they have all the money I doubt that went very far.

Likewise the Saudis have a lot of money salted away in Swiss banks so I doubt they would ever call for a jihad against Switzerland.

Did you just admit that your hatred of Muslims is irrational and not based on any actions they have taken? That you hate them no matter what they do?

Because if that is not what you are saying, then you are making no sense.

You can't have it both ways.

Or are you the only one who has reasons for your feelings and the 'bad guys' just do things for fun?

I guess I am making no sense then.

Let me speak slowly and use little words.

I don't hate muslims and for those of you who keep up the accusations of hate speech when I am merely trying to make people more aware of situations and circumstances, you need to take a flying leap.

First of all I don't hate muslims.

What muslims have done in the name of islam in the last fifteen hundred years, just during the twentieth century or merely since the beginning of the twenty first century is appallingly brutal and it certainly isn't America's fault no matter what their claims are.

Now when the followers of islam are not making jihad (one of islam's prime tenets) through violence then they are using peaceful means to advance their idea of how the world should be ruled (a theocratic dictatorship), by making demands that are endless.

Sharia compliant banking.
Food baths in public buildings.
Islamic prayer times in the work place.
No church bells, they are offensive to muslims.
Public calls to islamic prayers blaring from the loud speakers of their minaretes.
No dogs.
Certain codes of dress.
A thousand more.

Above and beyond all, nothing must be said that insults muhammed or muslims. (probably the easiest offended group in all the world.

That last things tramples upon freedom of speech, one of our most cherished and hard won freedoms in this country.

Your two questions to me make me think you aren't playing with a full deck. :hi:
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Read it again. I said any period in history, not any country.

Has there any period in history in the last fifteen hundred years that islam has not preached hate against those who do not believe as they do?

Including today!
Can you explain this? The trench warfare had pretty much stagnated and without our intervention the war would probably have wound down in another year or so. Pretty much everyone would have returned to the the pre-war status quo. If that had happened, then we wouldn't have had the rise of Hitler and no world war two. Who can be certain about what the USSR would have done, but there is a good chance that things would have played out differently and there would have been no communist block. No iron curtain. No cold war.

How would us minding our own business have led to us speaking German?

Without being soundly defeated, the Germans would never have stopped their quest for global domination.
In the past I have mocked the idea that they hate us for our freedoms. After watching more coverage on Iran and a couple of other places, I am reevaluating.

Maybe they do hate us for our freedoms:

Our freedom to insist that sovereign countries do as we tell them to

Our freedom to deploy our military to bases around the world

Our freedom to bomb anyone who disagrees with us

Our freedom to impose sanctions on countries who dare to chart their own course

Our freedom to be the only country to ever use nuclear weapons in anger

Our freedom to insist that no one else can join our nuclear weapons fraternity

Our freedom to kill anyone, anywhere, anytime and consider it to be justified

Our freedom to insist that if another country does the same, it is murder

Our freedom to use environmentally destructive technologies to get to the top of the economic food chain, then decide that it is bad and no one else should do the same

Our freedom to cause the deaths of countless innocents* and then claim we have the right to dethrone a dictator because he might do far less

Our freedom to detain anyone we think is suspicious but insist that other nations do not have that right

Our freedom to topple governments and install our stooges, then to attack them when they don't toe the line

Our freedom to invade and occupy another country, then tell them that their culture is wrong and they must adapt to our standards

Our freedom to manipulate our currency and condemn others for doing the same


Can anyone else think of any more freedoms they hate us for?
At this point, I don't think they just hate us. I think they try to ignore and avoid us as much as possible.

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