Probably not.Question for you builders or anyone with common sense: our “laundry room” is just wide enough for a washer & dryer and maybe about a foot of space left over. The fiance has has decided she wants a stackable set so we can add shelves to store all of our cleaning supplies. Will i have to reinforce the floor to switch to the stackable set?
Man, that looks good!!It only took 13 weeks but the shower glass finally came in.View attachment 360840
$35??? Yk?I paid $35 for the mill and probably sawed at least $75 or $80 worth of lumber today. And getting my property cleaned up to boot!
I was just going to burn those trees.
4 -8' 4×4's
2-8' 2×6's
3-8' 2×4's
A bunch of slabs that are plenty thick for use. And that was some of the smaller logs I have. Getting set up and learning how took a while but it's a pretty good way to spend time with my son! And the small barn for our hay and cows will be pretty awesome to be built with lumber we mill from our own land!! I've got lots of work to do!!
Buy the 50 and 6.I have a Electric question, and I know little to nothing about it. Long story short I'm having to do remodel.
We got a Range and I am running the new wire from the box. The old owner had a 60Amp breaker running and I'm going to update it. In the book it says "This appliance must be supplied with the proper voltage and frequency, and connected to an individual, properly grounded, 40 amp (minimum) branch circuit protected by a circuit breaker or time-delay fuse." I have 8 Gauge wire laying around, but most ranges I have seen are running 50amp 6 gauge wire. I need to know if I need to run a 40amp and 8 gauge wire or go buy a 50amp and 6 gauge wire. I tried looking at some info, but my poor brain can't wrap around the info. I'm more of a watch and learn then read and learn.