I’m happy the ex hubby is headed back to Texas tomorrow. He has done nothing but to keep my son and his family in turmoil, therefore me, since he arrived. Good riddance.
I’m happy the ex hubby is headed back to Texas tomorrow. He has done nothing but to keep my son and his family in turmoil, therefore me, since he arrived. Good riddance.
He’s a prize to someone, . Yes, it all boiled down that I had requested a life insurance policy with just my son as the only beneficiary and couldn’t ever be changed or lapsed 14 years ago. He always resisted (what parent does that?). The (names I could gladly call him, but wont)., finally agreed. After months of lawyer speak and papers, it’s done. Team William won!
I’m happy the ex hubby is headed back to Texas tomorrow. He has done nothing but to keep my son and his family in turmoil, therefore me, since he arrived. Good riddance.
ORB's ex: She was red headed so, well, what can I say? She had weird taste, I mean she didn't really like anything, but I'll tell you one thing by golly, she knew how to cook and she knew how to clean an iron skillet. You never saw her let soap even get close to it, she treated it with respect just like any real Southern folk know to do.